Why don't you use a translucent BufferedImage?
  You can use BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB as the bi type
  when creating it.


I want to display a curve in J3D without having to draw a zillion line segments 
and I'm not too concerned about display quality (fineness), so I'm using a J2D 
shape to create a texture in J3D.  I've been able to display the shape 
successfully by drawing it to a BufferedImage, creating a texture from that and 
applying the texture to a quad.

The background of the image becomes part of the texture and obscures objects 
behind it.  I'd like the background to be transparent so that only the shape 
itself appears to be in the scene.  I assume I will need to make the quad 
transparent, too.  It seems that a GIF will support a transparent background 
and might be the solution I need.  (Or perhaps there's another way...)

If the solution is a GIF, can I create the GIF from the BufferedImage without 
writing to disk and just use it directly?  I'm new to image processing so I'd 
appreciate any code snippets that will take the BufferedImage to a GIF.
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