Looks like the forum-list gateway is broken again so  my message got lost


  thanks for the report. We do have special code for handling this case,
  you should not be seeing the seams. I don't, using your test case on my
[I] Description      : NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 512
[I] GDI Name, Driver : \\.\DISPLAY1, nv4_disp.dll
[I] Vendor Id        : 0x10de
[I] Device Id        : 0x0600
[I] SubSys Id        : 0x58110de
[I] Driver Version   :
[I] GUID             : {D7B71E3E-4540-11CF-EB6D-8A2503C2CB35}

  Could you post a screen shot?

  Also, could you post the output (similar to above) when running your
  test from a console with J2D_TRACE_LEVEL=4 env. variable set?

[Message sent by forum member 'trembovetski' (trembovetski)]


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