It is highly unlikely that you need Java installed on your computer. You are confusing Java with JavaScript. The later is a scripting language that is a part of the web browser and enables web developers to do all sorts of zany things and drive us screen reader users crazy. On the other hand, Java is a full blown programming language for developing applications. Most home users do not need Java installed. I removed it from my computers in 2010 and have never had the need to reinstall it. I never install it on any of my clients computers and have never received a call from anyone asking to install Java to resolve a problem with an application that they wanted to run. Java is a security nightmare and unless you absolutely need it, do not install it. If you already have it installed, remove it. If you find that you need it at some point in the future, it can be easily reinstalled.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Judy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 6:06 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] java and jaws

Hi, everyone, I enjoyed reading the info about Java. I always thought it was
necessary to keep it up because of how they are doing websites these days,
but now Hans says that it isn't and I am confused. Could someone please
update me on Java, what it now does and what is necessary? When I wrote that post about a certain site jumping around I was wondering if it had anything
to do with Java not being updated, but maybe that's not the case anymore.
Thanks in advance.  Judy & Libby

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