There WILL BE NO MORE SECURITY UPDATES to Windows XP AAFTER APRIL 2014. All of the security companies are also aware of and warning of this eventuality. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew James Bontrager" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Switching From XP To Windows7

Below are my opinions.

Don't switch to Windows 7. It's just a big hastle. I've had a Windows 7 machine for two months, and I still don't use it regularly. Keep getting automatic updates if you must, but I believe that the XP security risks are hiped by Microsoft to try to push people toward more modern, bloated operating systems.
From my experience, you will see all sorts of error messages when trying to
instal your favorite programs to Windows 7. Some programs you use every day will no longer work, some not even in compatibility mode. It seems to me that Windows 7 was not made for a power user but radically simplified and coolized to simplify the computer at the expense of efficiency. For all around grunt work (sound management, music ripping, document editing, PDF viewing), I'll put XP against Windows 7 any day.

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