Hi Kimsan,

How to make message rules is below the link to the website of David Bailes. 
I'll put the complete guide in your DB folder.

Windows Mail Guide


A guide for users of the Jaws screen reader, written by David Bailes. More 
guides are available on the
Jaws Guides page
 of the VIP Software Guides website.

Message rules

A message rule automatically applies one or more actions to incoming 
messages which match one or more conditions. For example, you could create a 
rule that
moved all incoming messages from a certain person to a Folder that you'd 
created for that person's messages.

You can create a rule either from scratch, or base it on an existing 
message. Both of these methods use the New Mail Rule dialog.

The Message Rules dialog is used both for managing message rules, and for 
creating rules from scratch by launching the New Mail Rule dialog. The 
Rules dialog has two pages, one for rules for mail messages, and the other 
for rules for News messages, but only the former of interest in this guide.

To open the Message Rules dialog on the Mail Rules page: in the Windows Mail 
window open the Tools menu, then open the Message Rules sub-menu and choose
Mail. If there are no existing rules, a New Mail Rule dialog opens, rather 
than the Message Rules dialog.

The following sections describe the New Mail Rule dialog, the
Message rules dialog,
creating a rule from a message.

New Mail Rule dialog

The New Mail Rule dialog contains four controls for specifying the rule: 
list views for the conditions and actions, a Rule Description edit box which 
you to further specify the conditions and actions, and a Rule name edit box 
where you can type in a meaningful name for the rule. The first three of 
controls are described in the following sections.

Select the Conditions for your rule list view

This contains check boxes for the possible conditions, and unfortunately 
Jaws doesn't read the name of this list view. Check one or more of the 
Many of the conditions need further specification, and this is done in the 
Rule Description edit box, as described in a later section. For example, if
you check the condition "Where the subject line contains specific words", 
then when you get to the the Rule Description edit box, you can set what the
specific words are.

If you check more than one condition, then by default the message must match 
all the conditions. However, in the Rule Description edit box you can change
this to the message must match any of the conditions.

Select the Actions for your rule list view

This contains check boxes for possible actions, and again Jaws does not read 
the name of the list view. Check one or more of the actions. As was the case
with the conditions, many of the actions need further specification, and 
this is done in the Rule Description edit box, which is the next control, 
is described in the next section.

Rule description edit box.

This edit box contains the following lines of text:

list of 3 items
. The first line is always "Apply this rule after the message arrives".
. One line for each condition which you checked.
. One line for each action which you checked.
list end

If a condition or action requires a value that has to be specified, this is 
indicated visually by the phrase that defines that value being underlined. 
of such phrases are:

list of 3 items
. The phase "contains specific words" in the condition "Where the subject 
line contains specific words".
. The phrase "contains people" in the condition "Where the From line 
contains people".
. The phrase "specified" in the action "Move it to the specified folder".
list end

If you read the description line by line then if the line contains a phrase 
that can be edited, then Jaws reads the line, and then repeats the phrase 
can be edited. The phrase is automatically selected, and you can edit it by 
pressing Enter, which opens an appropriate dialog which allows you to edit

Two of of the dialogs for editing phrases are described in the next 
sections: the Type specific words dialog and the Select people dialog.

In addition, if there is more than one condition, then at the start of the 
line of the second condition and all subsequent conditions, there is the 
and which can be edited just like the phrases used to further specify some 
of the conditions and actions. If you edit one of the ands then an And/Or 
opens, which allows you to change all ands to ors.

Type Specific Words dialog

If you edit the phrase "contains specific words", then the Type Specific 
Words dialog opens, which contains the following controls:

list of 3 items
. An edit box, into which you can type a word or phrase, and an associated 
Add button. Whenever there's any text in this edit box, the default button 
temporarily the Add button. Pressing the Add button adds the word or phrase 
to the Words list box described below, clears the edit box, and the default
button reverts to the OK button.
. A Words list box. The first item is the text "Where the subject line 
contains" or something similar. Subsequent items are the words or phrases 
which you've
. Remove and Options buttons, which are associated with the Words list box. 
You can remove an item by selecting it and then either pressing Delete or 
Remove button. The Options button gives you yet more options, as you might 
have guessed.
list end

For example, if you're in the Rule description dialog, and the phrase 
selected is "contains specific words", and the specific phrase you're 
interested in
is Mark Twain, then if you press Enter to edit the selected phrase:

list of 3 items
1. The Type Specific Words dialog open. Type in the phrase Mark Twain, and 
press Enter to press the Add button.
2. Press Enter to press the OK button.
3. You are returned to the Rule Description edit box. The phrase which you 
edited, "contains specific words", has been replaced by the phrase "contains
Mark Twain".
list end

Select people dialog

If you edit the phrase "contains people" in one of the conditions, then a 
Select people dialog opens. This has a structure similar to the Type 
words dialog described above, and contains the following controls:

list of 4 items
. An edit box, into which you can type either the name or email address of a 
person, and an associated Add button. Whenever there's any text in this edit
box, the default button is temporarily the Add button. Pressing this button, 
adds the name or email address to the People list box described below, and
clears the edit box, thus changing the default button back to the OK button.
. A People list box. The first item is the text "Where the From line 
contains" or something similar, and the subsequent items are the names 
and/or addresses
which you've added.
. A Contacts button which opens a Rule Addresses dialog, which allows you to 
use your Contacts to specify email addresses, and which is described below.
. Remove and Options buttons, which are associated with the People list box. 
You can remove an item by selecting it and then either pressing Delete or 
Remove button. The Options button gives you yet more options.
list end

As mentioned above, if you press the Contacts button, a Rule Addresses 
dialog opens. In this dialog:

list of 3 items
1. Tab to the Address list list view, and select one or more contacts.
2. Press Enter to press the temporary default button which adds the 
addresses to a Rule addresses list view.
3. Press Enter again to press the default OK button.
list end

Note that if you edit the phrase "people" in an action, that also opens a 
Select people dialog, but this has a different structure, and is not 

Message rules dialog

The Mail rules page of the Message rules dialog contains a list of the 
existing rules, some buttons for creating and managing rules, and an edit 
box containing
a description of the rule selected in the list of rules.

Giving some more detail, the dialog contains the following controls:

list of 3 items
. A list view which contains a check box for each existing rule. If the 
check box is checked, then the rule is active, otherwise the rule is turned 
The rules are applied to an incoming message in the order of the rules in 
this list view.
. A number of buttons:
list of 6 items nesting level 1
. New button, which opens a New Mail Rule dialog for creating a new rule, 
and which was described above.
. Modify button, which is used for modifying the rule selected in the list 
view. It opens an Edit Mail Rule dialog, which has exactly the same 
as the New Mail Rule dialog.
. Copy button, which creates a copy of the rule selected in the list view, 
and places it immediately below the original rule in the list.
. Remove button, which deletes the selected rule, though it's easier just to 
press Delete.
. Apply now button, which is used for applying one or more of the rules to 
the existing messages in one or more of the folders. It opens an Apply mail 
now dialog.
. Move Up and Move Down button, which are used for moving the selected rule 
up and down the list respectively.
list end nesting level 1
. Rule description edit box, which contains a description of the rule 
selected in the list view. This has the same functionality as the Rule 
edit box which was used for creating a rule, and so you can edit the 
phrases/values of the rule using this edit box. See the section above on the
Rule description edit box
 for more details.
list end

Creating a rule from a message

A quick way of creating a new rule in which the condition is that it comes 
from a certain person is to use the Create Rule from Message command, which 
on the Message menu.

This command opens a New Mail Rule dialog, which is described above in the
New Mail Rule dialog section
 above. The condition "Where the From line contains people" is already 
checked, and in the Rule Description edit box, the phrase "contains people" 
has been
edited so that it contains the address of the sender of the message.

Take care.
This email was sent from my, iBarstool.  Go Dodgers!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Kimsan
To: 'jaws-users'
Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2015 12:34 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] message rules

Does anyone have instructions on how to create message rules in windows
mail?  Not windows live mail but windows mail.

Thank you.

Kimsan Song


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