Hello Simone,

>     Apologies if I am confusing things.  I have a Stateless 
> Session EJB
> declared now as
> <clustered>true</clustered>.
> The code I am running is the following:
> TestHome testHome = (TestHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
>        ctx.lookup("EJB/Session/Test"),
>        TestHome.class);
>       Test test = testHome.create();
>       System.out.println("Hello: " + test.hello());
>       for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
>       {
>        Integer myPrime = test.getPrimeAtPosition(i);
>        System.out.println("Thread " + 
> Thread.currentThread().getName() +
>        ":\tPrime @ position "+ i +": " + myPrime);
>       }
> And all the calls get sent to the same member.

Is that a SLSB or a SFSB? Could you please modify your EJB implementation
(the "getPrimeAtPosition" method) and instead of computing something simply
do something like "throw new RuntimeException();" or something bad like that
and then send me both the exception that you see on the client and on the
server side.



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