I pulled and tried xslt-process on Emacs 20.6 using Xalan.

There are a few problems:

1) messages never make it into the *xslt-messages* or
*xslt-output* buffers.

Worse, the things barfs with a message about xalan not being
even though I have xalan.jar and xerces.jar on the relevant
classpath -- I'm attaching what shows up in the *Messages*
buffer which indicates that for some reason it is not
finding its own xslt.Xalan1 class.

As you can see the xslt.jar 
file is in the classpath to bsh --
but for some reason bsh doesn't appear to like it.

I tried running bsh by hand from a shell with the
appropriate classpath to see if I had some emacs dependency
--but I got the same errors 
I'll simply attach the bsh invocation line and the error bsh
10:06:15 raman tvraman $ java -classpath 
BeanShell 1.0 beta - by Pat Niemeyer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
bsh % xalan1.invoke("/tmp/foo.xml", "/tmp//xsltout17395LF2");
// Error: bsh.EvalError: bsh.EvalError: Method invocation on void: xalan1.invoke :  : 
xalan1 .invoke ( "/tmp/foo.xml" , "/tmp//xsltout17395LF2" ) 
bsh % import xslt.Xalan1;
bsh % xalan1.invoke("/tmp/foo.xml", "/tmp//xsltout17395LF2");
// Error: bsh.EvalError: bsh.EvalError: Method invocation on void: xalan1.invoke :  : 
xalan1 .invoke ( "/tmp/foo.xml" , "/tmp//xsltout17395LF2" ) 
bsh % 
bsh % xslt.Xalan1 x;
// Error: bsh.EvalError: Class: xslt.Xalan1 not found in namespace : 
>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Paul> At 09:23 AM 12/13/00 -0800, Ovidiu Predescu wrote:
    >> Although this is not quite JDE related, I thought it might interest
    >> you. This package is using JDE quite heavily.

    Paul> Interesting. I have assembled (from existing
    Paul> components) a new package for Emacs, called the
    Paul> Technical Publishing Environment for Emacs
    Paul> (TPE). It includes psgml, the saxon XSL processor,
    Paul> and the docbook dtd and stylesheet. I have added a
    Paul> menu with the following options

    Paul> TPE View Document In XML Browser (i.e., IE5) In
    Paul> HTML Browser (converts doc to HTML) Apply
    Paul> Stylesheet Associated Stylesheet (one referenced
    Paul> by document) Standard Stylesheet (e.g., select
    Paul> from TPE docbok stylesheets) User (specify path of
    Paul> stylesheet)

    Paul> Basically, this package turns Emacs into a
    Paul> complete XML structured editor.  I plan to write
    Paul> some documentation for it and then post it on the
    Paul> JDE website for others to use. I had planned to
    Paul> use the beanshell as you have done as a parse and
    Paul> stylesheet server. Do you mind if I borrow and
    Paul> adapt your code to the TPE?

    Paul> - Paul

    >> --
>If you're using (X)Emacs for doing your XML and XSLT development, you
>may find the following (X)Emacs minor mode very handy. It allows you
>to run the XSLT processor of choice on an (X)Emacs buffer and display
>the results in a different buffer. Just enter few keystrokes and you
>get the results.
>The currently supported XSLT processors are Saxon 5.x and 6.x and
>Xalan 1.x. Although it is not only an XSLT processor, but a complete
>XML publishing framework, Cocoon 1.x is also supported.
>This mode works by spawning off a separate process which runs in a JVM
>the Java BeanShell (http://www.beanshell.org/). For each XSLT
>processing request, (X)Emacs will send a request to this process to
>execute. Because the JVM is started and classes loaded only once, the
>JVM start-up overhead is eliminated and the execution is very fast.
>You can check-out this (X)Emacs minor mode at:
>Please send your comments and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Ovidiu Predescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>http://orion.nsr.hp.com/ (inside HP's firewall only)
>       fiקEj!      zv$hiԚ,{u

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