> Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 10:15:29 -0800
> From: "T. V. Raman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I pulled and tried xslt-process on Emacs 20.6 using Xalan.
> There are a few problems:
> 1) messages never make it into the *xslt-messages* or
> *xslt-output* buffers.
> Worse, the things barfs with a message about xalan not being
> found 
> even though I have xalan.jar and xerces.jar on the relevant
> classpath -- I'm attaching what shows up in the *Messages*
> buffer which indicates that for some reason it is not
> finding its own xslt.Xalan1 class.
> As you can see the xslt.jar 
> file is in the classpath to bsh --
> but for some reason bsh doesn't appear to like it.
> I tried running bsh by hand from a shell with the
> appropriate classpath to see if I had some emacs dependency
> --but I got the same errors 
> I'll simply attach the bsh invocation line and the error bsh
> gave--
> 10:06:15 raman tvraman $ java -classpath 
>  bsh.Interpreter

You need a ';' before 
in your classpath.

> BeanShell 1.0 beta - by Pat Niemeyer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> bsh % xalan1.invoke("/tmp/foo.xml", "/tmp//xsltout17395LF2");
> // Error: bsh.EvalError: bsh.EvalError: Method invocation on void: xalan1.invoke :  
>: xalan1 .invoke ( "/tmp/foo.xml" , "/tmp//xsltout17395LF2" ) 
> bsh % import xslt.Xalan1;

import does not really load any classes in bsh; it just helps resolve
unqualified class identifiers later. I don't have xslt installed
and I can do this import with no error.

Try the following to see the classpath that bsh runs with:

bsh % print(System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
bsh % print(System.getProperty("java.ext.dirs"));
bsh % print(System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path"));

David J. Biesack                              SAS Institute Inc.
SAS Campus Drive Cary, NC 27513               The Power to Know
(919) 531-7771                                http://www.sas.com

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