I second those sentiments and that motion.

/ Petter

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Pollack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: den 19 februari 2003 02:01
> To: Paul Kinnucan; Nascif Abousalh-Neto
> Subject: RE: JDEE plugins (was JUCI)
> Hi,
> Just my two cents, I'm a lisp-wimp as I am sure are many of 
> the users of
> JDEE, but a good Java programmer.  If there was some way that I could
> write JDEE extensions in Java for at least some subset of plug-in
> functionality that would be great since I never seem to find 
> the time to
> really learn lisp.  I realize it might be too much to accommodate us
> lisp-wimps, but just keep it in mind if it turns out to be not such a
> big deal to go in this direction.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Kinnucan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 5:25 PM
> To: Nascif Abousalh-Neto
> Cc: Paul Kinnucan; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: JDEE plugins (was JUCI)
> Nascif Abousalh-Neto writes:
>  > Sounds like a great idea!
>  > 
>  > I would volunteer to re-write the Jalopy
> (http://jalopy.sourceforge.net/)  > integration package I put 
> together.
> I could also take a stab at a re-write  > for the integration package
> for PMD (http://pmd.sourceforge.net/).  > 
>  > Those Elisp->Java packages have an awful lot of code in common, and
> it would  > be really nice to create a standard way to create them -
> specially the bit  > about a standard way to integrate with the
> BeanShell.  > 
> Great. I assume that you will conform to the directory 
> structure that I
> proposed and provide the package as a jar or lisp file. Please let me
> know if you intend to implement any other suggestions, e.g., 
> Ole's idea
> of a standard entry point: lisp/plugin.el
>  > I would like to suggest also a standard way for those packages to
> present  > their output. A lot of them generate warnings or 
> errors that
> go very well in  > a "compilation" mode buffer. I think this behavior
> can be abstracted as  > well.  > 
> beanshell.el previously contained an unfinished eieio class that
> provides a compilation-style buffer for BeanShell-based 
> applications. My
> idea is that the compile server and the ant package and any other
> Beanshell based applications that needed compilation-like 
> buffers could
> specialize and instantiate this class. I deleted it in my last update
> but I think I'll revive it.
> - Paul
>  > Regards,
>  >   Nascif
>  > 
>  > 
>  > 
>  > > -----Original Message-----
>  > > From: Paul Kinnucan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>  > > Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 3:27 PM
>  > > Subject: JDEE plugins (was JUCI)
>  > > 
>  > > 
>  > > 
>  > > Hi Nick,
>  > > 
>  > > I am posting my response to your idea of JUCI-based plugins  > >
> to the JDEE list because I am interested  > > in getting 
> other people's
> input on this idea.  > > 
>  > > - Paul
>  > > 
>  > > 
>  > > Nick Sieger writes:
>  > > 
>  > > [snip]
>  > > 
>  > >  > Do you have a long-term vision for any standard interface 
>  > > or API for  > integrating user-developed components?  Right 
>  > > now, most of the  > user-submitted code seems to be little 
>  > > snippets here and there.  It  > would be cool if people could 
>  > > share pieces of code in a manner that  > they could just drop 
>  > > a file or a jar archive in a well-known place in  > the JDEE 
>  > > installation filesystem and the JDEE would auto-detect the  > 
>  > > new component, load it up and make the code available.  > 
>  > > 
>  > > I haven't really thought about it. One thing that occurs to 
>  > > me is that I could add a subdirectory called plugins to the 
>  > > JDEE tree where users could put an entire hybrid Java/Lisp 
>  > > plugin, i.e., the JDEE tree would look like this:
>  > > 
>  > > JDEEroot
>  > >   lisp
>  > >   java
>  > >   doc
>  > >   plugins
>  > >     plugin1
>  > >       lisp
>  > >       java
>  > >  scripts
>  > >  classes
>  > >         src
>  > >         lib
>  > >         doc
>  > >           javadoc
>  > >           design
>  > >       help
>  > >         info
>  > >         html
>  > >         src
>  > >     plugin2
>  > >       ...
>  > > 
>  > > The JDEE would load/eval the files in the lisp directory
>  > > and add the classes directory and the jar files in the 
>  > > lib directory to the BeanShell's classpath. I could also
>  > > add a Plugins submenu to the JDEE menu and define a JDEE 
>  > > Lisp function that plugins could call to
>  > > add a command or submenu of commands to the Plugins 
> directory.  > >
>  > > This solution is not as convenient as your idea of a single 
>  > > jar file. But remember that one of the principles of freeware 
>  > > is to include the source. Perhaps the first time the JDEE 
>  > > detects a jar or zip file at the top level of the Plugins 
>  > > directory it could unpack it, assuming that its contents are 
>  > > structured as I proposed. This would provide the ease of 
>  > > distribution and installation that you have in mind with my 
>  > > objective of ensuring that plugins are complete packages with 
>  > > Lisp, Java, design and API doc, and user doc (i.e., html 
>  > > and/or info help files).
>  > > 
>  > > How does this sound to you? 
>  > > 
>  > > I won't do this until somebody actually writes a genuinely 
>  > > useful plugin that I could use to test the plugin 
> support code.  >
> > 
>  > > Or perhaps someone could undertake to restructure one of
>  > > the existing JDEE packages as a plugin, e.g., checkstyle.  > > 
>  > > We could have standard plugins that would ship with the
>  > > JDEE distribution (e.g., checkstyle) and plugins available 
>  > > independently or that are available only inside of an 
>  > > organization (e.g., a plugin to supports  particular 
>  > > development organizations built-and-test system.
>  > > 
>  > > - Paul
>  > > 
>  > > 
>  > > 
>  > <HTML>
>  > <HEAD>
>  > <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;
> charset=us-ascii">  > <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="MS 
> Exchange Server
> version 5.5.2654.89">  > <TITLE>RE: JDEE plugins (was JUCI)</TITLE>  >
> </HEAD>  > <BODY>  > 
>  > <P><FONT SIZE=2>Sounds like a great idea!</FONT>
>  > </P>
>  > 
>  > <P><FONT SIZE=2>I would volunteer to re-write the Jalopy (<A
> HREF="http://jalopy.sourceforge.net/";
> TARGET="_blank">http://jalopy.sourceforge.net/</A>) 
> integration package
> I put together. I could also take a stab at a re-write for the
> integration package for PMD (<A HREF="http://pmd.sourceforge.net/";
> TARGET="_blank">http://pmd.sourceforge.net/</A>).</FONT></P>
>  > 
>  > <P><FONT SIZE=2>Those Elisp-&gt;Java packages have an awful lot of
> code in common, and it would be really nice to create a 
> standard way to
> create them - specially the bit about a standard way to integrate with
> the BeanShell.</FONT></P>  > 
>  > <P><FONT SIZE=2>I would like to suggest also a standard 
> way for those
> packages to present their output. A lot of them generate warnings or
> errors that go very well in a &quot;compilation&quot; mode buffer. I
> think this behavior can be abstracted as well.</FONT></P>  > 
>  > <P><FONT SIZE=2>Regards,</FONT>
>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&nbsp; Nascif</FONT>
>  > </P>
>  > <BR>
>  > <BR>
>  > 
>  > <P><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; -----Original Message-----</FONT>
>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; From: Paul Kinnucan [<A
> </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 3:27
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; Subject: JDEE plugins (was JUCI)</FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; Hi Nick,</FONT>
> > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; I am 
> posting my
> response to your idea of JUCI-based plugins</FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp; to the JDEE list because I am interested</FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; in getting other people's input on this
> idea.</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT 
> SIZE=2>&gt; -
> Paul</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;
> </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; Nick Sieger writes:</FONT>  
> > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; [snip]</FONT>  > 
> SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp; &gt; Do you have a
> long-term vision for any standard interface </FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; or API for&nbsp; &gt; integrating user-developed
> components?&nbsp; Right </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; now, most of
> the&nbsp; &gt; user-submitted code seems to be little </FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; snippets here and there.&nbsp; It&nbsp; 
> &gt; would
> be cool if people could </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; 
> share pieces of
> code in a manner that&nbsp; &gt; they could just drop </FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; a file or a jar archive in a well-known place
> in&nbsp; &gt; the JDEE </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; installation
> filesystem and the JDEE would auto-detect the&nbsp; &gt; </FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; new component, load it up and make the code
> available.&nbsp; &gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; I haven't really thought about it. One 
> thing that
> occurs to </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; me is that I could add a
> subdirectory called plugins to the </FONT>  > <BR><FONT 
> SIZE=2>&gt; JDEE
> tree where users could put an entire hybrid Java/Lisp </FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; plugin, i.e., the JDEE tree would look like
> this:</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;
> JDEEroot</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; lisp</FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; java</FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; doc</FONT>  > <BR><FONT 
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> plugins</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> plugin1</FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; lisp</FONT>  
> > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java</FONT>  
> > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; scripts</FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; classes</FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; src</FONT>
> > <BR><FONT 
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> lib</FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; doc</FONT>
> > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb
> sp;&nbsp;
> javadoc</FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb
> sp;&nbsp;
> design</FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; help</FONT>  
> > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
> info</FONT>
> > <BR><FONT 
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> html</FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; src</FONT>
> > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; plugin2</FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
> ...</FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; The JDEE would
> load/eval the files in the lisp directory</FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; and add the classes directory and the jar files in the
> </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; lib directory to the BeanShell's
> classpath. I could also</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; add a Plugins
> submenu to the JDEE menu and define a JDEE </FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; Lisp function that plugins could call to</FONT>  
> > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; add a command or submenu of commands to the Plugins
> directory.</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; This solution is not as convenient as your idea 
> of a single
> </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; jar file. But remember that 
> one of the
> principles of freeware </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; is to include
> the source. Perhaps the first time the JDEE </FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; detects a jar or zip file at the top level of the Plugins
> </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; directory it could unpack 
> it, assuming
> that its contents are </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; structured as I
> proposed. This would provide the ease of </FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; distribution and installation that you have in 
> mind with my
> </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; objective of ensuring that 
> plugins are
> complete packages with </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; Lisp, Java,
> design and API doc, and user doc (i.e., html </FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; and/or info help files).</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;
> </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; How does this sound to you? 
> </FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; I won't do this
> until somebody actually writes a genuinely </FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; useful plugin that I could use to test the plugin support
> code.</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;
> Or perhaps someone could undertake to restructure one of</FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; the existing JDEE packages as a plugin, e.g.,
> checkstyle.</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT
> SIZE=2>&gt; We could have standard plugins that would ship with
> the</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; JDEE distribution (e.g., 
> checkstyle)
> and plugins available </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; 
> independently or
> that are available only inside of an </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt;
> organization (e.g., a plugin to supports&nbsp; particular </FONT>  >
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; development organizations built-and-test
> system.</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT 
> SIZE=2>&gt;
> - Paul</FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > <BR><FONT 
> SIZE=2>&gt;
> </FONT>  > <BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>  > </P>  > 
>  > </BODY>
>  > </HTML>
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