>>>>> "PK" == Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

PK> Hi, You and others have raised two related but separate issues:
PK> one is the need for plugin-in support and the other is a need for
PK> a way to extend the JDEE that requires only Java programming
PK> skills. My proposal addresses the first. I believe Nick Sieger's
PK> JUCI addresses the second. Perhaps Nick could chime in and explain
PK> how.

So far, what I've done with JUCI allows Emacs and Java to communicate
in a consistent and general way, providing a layer of abstraction
above raw lisp forms printed on standard output, beanshell execution
and the like.  My current code in the JDEE CVS (lisp/jde-juci.el) has
some very rudimentary examples (mostly unit tests), so what's there is
just a shell at this point.  Although it's quite easy to envision
what's coming next, namely, a general interface that Java plugins
could code to for receiving input and sending output, much along the
lines that Nic Pottier has already started to enumerate.  Let's
continue to gather and take inspiration from other plugin APIs as to
what sort of pieces of data need to be exchanged.  Where possible,
talk in terms of emacs interface objects (buffers, windows, frames,
region, point, etc.) but also express them in terms of what a Java
interface might look like.  What are the logical groupings for
retrieving certain kinds of information?  What would you name an
interface for fetching the current buffer, the current buffer file,
the current class, etc.?

>From my perspective, it'll be interesting to flesh these issues out
further.  Following a standard API/JSR would be ideal, but if that
doesn't even exist yet, it will be hard.  Also, it's going to be
difficult to abstract away Emacs' tried-and-true concepts like
buffers, windows, etc.  The API is probably going to end up having
Java objects called Buffer, Window, Frame, etc.


P.S.  For some technical notes on JUCI, have a look at the file
java/src/jde/juci/package.html in CVS, or ask me and I'll send you a

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