Thanks for the fix. 
I ended up finding a download site that had a previous version of xemacs
for windows (21.4.11 vs 21.4.13) and it works fine. I then manually
upgraded the packages I wanted. 

Hopefully this will be fixed in a newer jde release.


-----Original Message-----
From: Arensdorf, Gary A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 2:40 PM
To: Dan Diodati
Subject: latest version of xemacs and jde not working right?

Insert the following into your init.el file:

(or (fboundp 'run-mode-hooks)
  (defalias 'run-mode-hooks 'run-hooks))

This worked for me, ::{)

Gary Arensdorf

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