Hi Bill,

a new version 3.0 of JDO has been released and you might want to consider switching to this latest version. You find links to the specification, the RI and the TCK under http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/mrel/jsr243/index3.html.

The 2.3-ec version introduced the class JDOQueryTimeoutException to indicate a query could not been completed in time. JDO 3.0 uses the already exsiting class JDODatastoreException instead, so there is no new exception class needed.

I hope this helps.

Regards Michael

Hi Bill Milligan,

The class in question was put into the unreleased code base for 2.3
which has been discontinued without an official release.

Your solution of using an earlier version of this  unreleased code is
probably the best for now.

Longer term, GAE should probably upgrade to the jdo-api-3.0 which will
be released shortly.

Best regards,


On Jun 19, 2010, at 8:50 PM, Bill Milligan wrote:


Curiously, the class file javax/jdo/JDOQueryTimeoutException.class has
disappeared between 2.3-eb and 2.3-ec of jdo2-api.jar.  Attempts to
to Google App Engine with the latest version does not work, because
apparently requires the use of this Exception, to the extent that it
throwing ClassNotFoundExceptions on load.  I've replaced 2.3-ec with
and everything appears to work fine now.

This is the only class to vanish from one version to the other.  Any
what happened?  I can't find any information anywhere on this
error.  Can
someone put the exception back for the next revision is published?


- Bill Milligan
Craig L Russell
Architect, Oracle
408 276-5638 mailto:craig.russ...@oracle.com
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

*Michael Bouschen*

akquinet t...@spree GmbH
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Email: michael.bousc...@akquinet.de
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