Hi Jason,
thanks for your answer, one of errors I get is throwed when I try to assert the next fact: (MAIN::call-method (id "13") (template call-method) (parent-method-id "9") (parent-id "12") (params "10")).
Error Message is:

Jess reported an error in routine factid

while executing (fact-id ?fact)

while executing deffunction fact-slot-value

while executing (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template)

while executing (eq (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template) imple-method)

while executing (or (eq (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template) imple-method) (eq (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template) global-method))

while executing (if (or (eq (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template) imple-method) (eq (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template) global-method)) then (return ?fact) else (if (eq (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template) class) then (return "-1") else (bind ?p-id (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) parent-id)) (get-method-id ?p-id)))

while executing deffunction get-method-id

while executing (get-method-id ?p-id)

while executing (if (eq (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template) class) then (return "-1") else (bind ?p-id (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) parent-id)) (get-method-id ?p-id))

while executing (if (or (eq (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template) imple-method) (eq (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template) global-method)) then (return ?fact) else (if (eq (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) template) class) then (return "-1") else (bind ?p-id (fact-slot-value (fact-id ?fact) parent-id)) (get-method-id ?p-id)))

while executing deffunction get-method-id

while executing (get-method-id ?parent-id)

while executing (str-compare (get-method-id ?parent-id) (get-method-id ?param-id))

while executing (= (str-compare (get-method-id ?parent-id) (get-method-id ?param-id)) 0)

while executing 'test' CE

// The above functions are part of my rules, but the engine should not be running....

while executing rule LHS (Node2)

while executing rule LHS (MTELN)

while executing rule LHS (TECT).

Message: No such fact-id: -1.

at jess.MakeFactID.call(MiscFunctions.java:817)

at jess.FunctionHolder.call(FunctionHolder.java:30)

at jess.Funcall.execute(Funcall.java:266)

at jess.FuncallValue.resolveValue(FuncallValue.java:33)

at jess.Deffunction.call(Deffunction.java:164)

at jess.FunctionHolder.call(FunctionHolder.java:30)

at jess.Funcall.execute(Funcall.java:266)

at jess.FuncallValue.resolveValue(FuncallValue.java:33)

at jess.Eq.call(Funcall.java:1072)


on the follow engine status:

ID: 0 (MAIN::initial-fact)

ID: 1 (MAIN::default-type (id "1") (template default-type) (parent-id "-2") (name "E"))

ID: 2 (MAIN::default-type (id "2") (template default-type) (parent-id "-2") (name "R"))

ID: 3 (MAIN::default-type (id "3") (template default-type) (parent-id "-2") (name "N"))

ID: 4 (MAIN::default-type (id "4") (template default-type) (parent-id "-2") (name "Cadena"))

ID: 5 (MAIN::default-type (id "5") (template default-type) (parent-id "-2") (name "Objeto"))

ID: 6 (MAIN::global-method (id "6") (parent-id "-1") (template global-method) (name "imprimir") (returned-type "-1") (params "7"))

ID: 7 (MAIN::parameter (id "7") (template parameter) (parent-id "6") (name "cadena") (type "4") (value nil))

ID: 8 (MAIN::class (id "8") (template class) (name "Clase") (implementation-method "9") (field "11"))

ID: 9 (MAIN::imple-method (id "9") (template imple-method) (method "-1") (name "metodo") (parent-id "8") (returned-type "1") (params "10") (body ))

ID: 10 (MAIN::parameter (id "10") (template parameter) (parent-id "9") (name "param") (type "1") (value nil))

ID: 11 (MAIN::imple-field (id "11") (template imple-field) (name "field") (parent-id "8") (type "1") (value nil))

I get similar errors messages sometimes (these errors are not shown always) when I modify facts. I modify and add facs from the next java methods:
// To assert facts
public static void assertFact(Fact f){
  try {
   // This call is not outstanding
   f.setSlotValue("id",new Value(FactIdProvider.INSTANCE.getNewFactId(),RU.STRING));
  } catch (JessException e) {
    "Se produjo un error afirmando el hecho: "
     + f.toString());
// To modify slot values
public static void setSlotValue(
  int factId,
  String slotName,
  String slotValue) {
  try {
   // Si esta vacio se establece a 'espacio en blanco'
   if (slotValue.equals("")){
    slotValue = " ";
   // Se ejecuta la sentencia
       "(modify " + factId + " (" + slotName + " " + slotValue + "))"); 
  } catch (JessException e) {
    "FactID como int: Se ha producido un error estableciendo el valor del slot "
     + slotName
     + " del hecho con id "
     + factId
     + " al valor "
     + slotValue);
I hope this source code to help you to understand what I'm trying to do, thanks againg,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2005 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: JESS: How to stop firing rules (again)

On 8/26/05, Félix Gómez Cordero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,
I posted the same question some weeks ago. I thought at that time that my problem was fixed... but it seems now that I was wrong! So I will explain it again...
Hi Flelix,
An ounce of source code is worth a pound of explanation.  :-D
Please post your actual code, and I bet the group can help you much faster.
Jason Morris
Co-Moderator Jess Listserver

Morris Technical Solutions LLC
phone/fax: 503.692.1088

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