I think Fred Janon wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> I am reading the "Jess in Action" book and noticed that it lists
> "exists" as a Jess' CEs but I could not find it in the online doc for
> version 6.1.

It's here, in chapter 2:


> What's the best way to test that a fact doesn't exist?

The "not" CE tests for non-existence. Although what you've written
sounds good in English:

>       (not (exists(tick ?)))

it's actually just silly. "(exists (x))" is actually equivalent to
"(not (not (x)))" -- i.e., "It's not true that (not (x)) is true."
Therefore, (not (exists (x))) is the same as  (not (not (not (x)))), which,
as you can imagine, is precisely the same as (not (x)).

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