I am unable to get the QueryResult returned by runQueryStar() in Java to recognise column headings in a Userfunction. The UserFunction itself worked with runQuery using the iterator and extracting the relevant Fact from each Token. The new code is:

   public Value call(ValueVector v, Context c) throws JessException {
       engine = c.getEngine();
       QueryResult result =
engine.runQueryStar("number-of-product-attributes-demanded", new ValueVector(),c);
       int maxAttributes = 0;
       ValueVector products = new ValueVector();
       while (result.next()) {
           int num = result.getInt("number");
           Value numValue = new Value(num, RU.INTEGER);...

The error is caused by the result.getInt("number") command.

The relevant defquery is:
       query = "(defquery number-of-product-attributes-demanded"
               + "(number-desired-attributes))";

The relevant deftemplate is
       d = new Deftemplate("number-desired-attributes",
               "Number of attributes desired present at any level level",
       d.addSlot("product", Funcall.NIL, "SYMBOL");
       d.addSlot("number", Funcall.NIL, "INTEGER");

The value of of the QueryResult (taken from the private iterator's ArrayList) at the time the JessException is called is:

[[Token: size=2;sortcode=671;negcnt=0;facts=(MAIN::__query-trigger-number-of-product-attributes-demanded);(MAIN::number-desired-attributes (product product-19) (number 16));], ... + 24 more.

An error occurred at line -1
The code looks like: null
MessageNo such variable number
Java exception is: null

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

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