"Knowledge Engineer" take 2...

I think the word these days is "programmer" - which we cant really do
without. The MCRDR system is designed for the non-computing expert to
build and edit his/her own rule set without filtering through the brain
of the computing expert who encodes/encoded the rules and who had to have 
these amazing psychological skills of "knowledge extraction".

[And I have the feeling that the world might have benefited from a few
less generals, too :)]


==============Original message text===============
On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 11:34:22 +1100 "James C. Owen" wrote:

Knowledge Systems with a Knowledge Engineer.  God save us all.  In  
the movie "Patton" when they mentioned battles fought without  
soldiers, Patton was horrified that there could be a battle without  
honor or glory or personal sacrifice.  He said that he hoped that he  
would never live that long.  Well, it's happening now.  I'm glad he's  
not here to see it.  And I hope that I never see a Knowledge System  
without someone to aid in the growth of the system.  2001 (remember  
HAL) and Terminator are just around the corner.


James C. Owen
Senior Consultant
http://www.kbsc.com"Never give up.  Never give up.  Never, never, never give 
 From a speech by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during  
the most trying times of the British Empire; a great leader too soon  
forgotten by his country after keeping it from being swallowed up by  
the Nazi Empire during the second world war.

On Feb 9, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Robert Kildare wrote:

> Hello Jason
> I am a PhD student in Computing, University of Tasmania, Australia   
> using
> Jess in a pseudo expert system which relies on the notion that  
> users can
> learn to become experts. They construct their own "ontology" ..  
> with the
> aid of software.
> There is research into knowledge-base-free expert systems and how  
> to draw
> hierarchic (Richards) and mesh inferences(Suryanto) from them.  
> There is
> research on a system for eliminating the knowledge engineer altogether
> (MCRDR - Kang). These all come from the stable of the university of  
> New
> South Wales in Sydney (Paul Compton I think is the  instigating  
> academic).
> I will be happy to fill out your questionnaire.. I can send my last  
> paper
> (more than 2,000 words), but am buried in work at present.
> regards
> Rob
> Robert.Kildare at utas.edu.au
> ==============Original message text===============
> On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 0:08:40 +1100 "Karl-Heinz Krempels" wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> I'll contribute a few things.
> Regards,
> Karl-Heinz.
> Am 01.02.2006 um 15:07 schrieb Jason Morris:
>> Hello All Jess Users,
>> There is a school of thought which strongly suggests that creating a
>> formal domain ontology is prerequisite for building an expert system.
>> I am writing a research paper on the topic, so  I thought that I'd
>> take a moment to ask for input from the Jessosphere.
>> If you would be willing to:
>> *  Answer a very short online survey (no more than 10 questions)  
>> about
>> ontology and how you use it, and/or
>> *  You would like to contribute an anecdote or brief case study  
>> (~2000
>> words or less),
>> please send me a reply so that I can add you to my qualified
>> response list.
>> Any research stories, application and implementation stories, or
>> practical use cases where you have interacted with the subject of
>> ontology are especially valuable, and of course you can mention Jess
>> all you want!  I will be happy to cite your contribution and send you
>> a copy of the published results.  The survey will be online in  
>> about a
>> week.
>> Thanks in advance for your participation!
>> Sincerely,
>> Jason Morris - Co-moderator Jess listserver
>> Engineering and Technology Management Department
>> Portland State University, Portland, OR USA
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> ----
> Karl-Heinz Krempels
>   RWTH Aachen University
>   Computer Science Department
>   Informatik 4 (Communication and Distributed Systems)
>   Ahornstr. 55, D-52074 Aachen, Germany
>   Tel.: +49 (241) 80-21410
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