
1. This is rather suggestion. I am frequently use fact ID as a slot value to
refer to fact (looks like foreign key). But in cases when there is need to
check an absence of referred fact I can't do this in LHS due to a "not" CE
incapacity to binding to a variable. So I'd like to have this opportunity.

2. Why after retracting the (a) a test rule have not turn to agenda?

Jess> (reset)
 ==> Focus MAIN
 ==> f-0 (MAIN::initial-fact)
Jess> (defrule test
(not (a)) =>)
==> Activation: MAIN::test :  f-0,
MAIN::test: +1+1+1+1+2+t
Jess> (assert (a))
 ==> f-1 (MAIN::a)
<== Activation: MAIN::test :  f-0,
Jess> (retract 1)
 <== f-1 (MAIN::a)

Thanks in advance.

All the best,
Maxim Tretyak

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