Hi Joshi,

if you are looking for an easy way to get a user friendly interface, have a look at Protigi: http://protege.stanford.edu/
Jess can run as a plug-in to Protigi, called JessTab:
http://protege.stanford.edu/plugins.html and http://sourceforge.net/projects/jesstab/

In that plug-in, you can also edit Jess rules. However, I confirm Ben's posting about rule editing and programming capabilities.

I think you will find that Jess is a "programmers rule engine". Direct
editing of jess rules may require that your users become programmers.

The rules are also very context specific.  They do their function
because of the context you put them in.

I would guess that a user editable abstraction would be more useful if
you allow them to edit the data model that Jess consults. For instance,
if your rules read customer profiles to perform their operations, you
may create a customer profile editor that has the attributes you need.


Protigi can use import and store XML-files or use a database as backend to store your data,
just have a look at 'Backend' and 'Import/Export' on the Protigi website http://protege.stanford.edu/plugins.html



On Jul 15, 2004, at 7:34 AM, Shital Joshi wrote:


I am new to Jess and exploring it by reading documents.

Our java based project requires validating data in an XML file against tons
of business rules. Part of the project requires that an end user can create
business rules using an interface. Has anyone developed such interface to
add more jess-rules on the fly?

Thanks, -Shital Joshi MFG Systems

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