
I'm getting the following error message in my log file:

Jess reported an error in routine Jesp.parseLHS
        while executing (batch-local recognizers/Columnar.clp).
  Message: Expected '<-' .
  Program text: ( defrule load-allocation-entities "Load all allocation
entities associated with the parameters" ( need-allocation-entity ?row
?particid ?firstName  at line 56.

I can't figure why the parser wants to see a '<-'.

Much of my code is provided below, but I obviously have some local functions
define in Java that I can't provide, (batch-local) being one, which parses a
file retrieved from a URL (rather than disk).

Any suggestions on the interpretation of this error message given the .clp
file below?


;; Declare the fact types generated by the OCR engine
(deftemplate page (slot w) (slot h) (slot x-res) (slot y-res) (slot skew))
(deftemplate region (slot id) (slot type) (slot x) (slot y) (slot width)
(slot height))
(deftemplate word (slot id) (slot region) (slot x) (slot y) (slot
width)(slot height)
        (slot certainty) (slot confidence)(slot text)
    (slot type (default TEXT)) )
(deftemplate ncp-row (slot row)(slot firstname)(slot mi)(slot lastname)
                 (slot ssn)(slot partic)(slot caseno)(slot county)(slot

;; Positive File records
(deftemplate allocation-entity (slot row)(slot firstName)(slot
    (slot lastName)(slot suffixName)(slot ssn)(slot caseNo)(slot county)
    (slot particid)(slot docketState)(slot docketNumber)(slot docketCounty))

;; Allocation of an amount to an allocation entity
(deftemplate allocation (slot row))

;; determine proximity
(deffunction same-row (?p0 ?p1) (and (< ?p1 (+ ?p0 10) )
                                  (> ?p1 (- ?p0 10) ) ) )

;; recognizes money
(deffunction is-money (?t)
    (regex-match ?t

"^\\$?[\\* ]*([1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,2}(\\,[0-9]{3})*(\\.[0-9]{2})|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,

;; recognizes SSN
(deffunction is-ssn (?t)
    (regex-match ?t "[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{2}-?[0-9]{4}"))

;; Module for recognizing columnar formatted remittance pages

(import com.informatixinc.rapid.model.core.remittance.DetailRow)
(import com.informatixinc.rapid.model.core.remittance.Element)

;; specify which facts support backward chaining
(do-backward-chaining allocation-entity)

;; try to identify all NCP Name rows (first mi last caseno amnt)
(defrule find-ncp-row
"Find all NCP records"
?name1 <- (word (text ?tName1)
                (x ?xName1)
                (y ?rowName1)
                (type FIRSTNAME|LASTNAME|TEXT) )
?name2 <- (word (text ?tName2)
                (x ?xName2&:(< ?xName1 ?xName2))
                (y ?rowName2&:(same-row ?rowName1 ?rowName2))
                (type FIRSTNAME|LASTNAME|TEXT) )
?partic <- (word (text ?tPartic&:(regex-match ?tPartic "[0-9]{3,9}"))
                 (x ?xPartic&:(< ?xName2 ?xPartic))
                 (y ?rowPartic&:(same-row ?rowName2 ?rowPartic)) )
?amt <- (word (text ?tAmt&:(is-money ?tAmt))
                 (x ?xAmt&:(< ?xPartic ?xAmt))
                 (y ?rowAmt&:(same-row ?rowPartic ?rowAmt)) )
(not (ncp-row (row ?rowNcp&:(same-row ?rowName1 ?rowNcp) ) ) )
(printout t "Potential detail row sequence found: '" ?tName1 " " ?tName2 " "
    ?tPartic " " ?tAmt " at row " ?rowAmt crlf)
(assert (ncp-row (row ?rowAmt)(firstname ?tName2)(lastname ?tName1)
                 (partic ?tPartic)(amount ?tAmt)) )

;; backward chain to load the Positive File record(s)
(defrule find-allocation-entity
"Find all allocation entities associated with each row"
?ncp-row <- (ncp-row (row ?row)
                     (partic ?tPartic)
                     (firstname ?tFirstName)
                     (lastname ?tLastName))
(allocation-entity (row ?row)
                                         (particid ?tPartic)
                                         (firstName ?tFirstName)
                                         (lastName ?tLastName))
(not (allocation (row ?rowAllocation&:(same-row ?row ?rowAllocation))))
(printout t "Allocation found: " crlf)

;; perform backward chaining to load a Positive File record
(defrule load-allocation-entities
"Load all allocation entities associated with the parameters"
(need-allocation-entity ?row ?particid ?firstName ?lastName)
(printout t "Loading Positive File for " crlf)
(assert (allocation-entry (row 1)(particid 123456)
        (firstName fibber)(lastName McGee)))

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