nirajkumar motwani wrote:

Hi All,
I am new to using jess and was having some problems when i wrote a small java code...
when i do the following (below is part of the code), i donot get any fired rules, why is that:
engine.executeCommand("(watch rules)");
String rule3 ="(defrule euality-rule (test (eq 1 1)) => )";
engine.executeCommand(rule3); engine.executeCommand("(run)");
System.out.println("run command executed...");

The system.out statement is printed but thw watch rules does not indicate that any 
rule was fired? what am i doing wrong?


Nirajkumar Motwani
Graduate Student
Computer Science Department
University Of Southern California

I'm a newbie too, but I think you should just insert a


before the run-command. Then the rule will fire. You find more about the reset-command in Jess in Action section 6.1.1.


The University of Tokyo
Dept. Precision Machinery Engineering
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 113-8656

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