Hi all !
I have a rule like:

(defrule inputParameterSpannungsnachweis
(nachweis "Spannungsnachweis")
(import java.lang.*)
(bind ?querschnitt "Querschnitt")
(bind ?Fx          "Fx"         )
(bind ?Fy          "Fy"         )
(bind ?My          "My"         )
(bind ?querschnittValue (new java.lang.String "I120"))
(bind ?FxValue          (new java.lang.Double 150.0 ))
(bind ?FyValue          (new java.lang.Double 200.0 ))
(bind ?MyValue          (new java.lang.Double 200.0 ))
(bind ?querschnittsUnit ""    )
(bind ?FxUnit              "KN"  )
(bind ?FyUnit              "KN"  )
(bind ?MyUnit              "KNcm")
(deftemplate parameter
(multislot name )
(multislot value)
(multislot unit ))
(bind ?x (assert (parameter (name  ?querschnitt ?Fx ?Fy ?My)
                            (value ?querschnittValue ?FxValue ?FyValue
                            (unit  ?querschnittsUnit ?FxUnit ?FyUnit ?MyUnit)

then i use :(assert (nachweis "Spannungsnachweis"))

then there is an error: unimplemented function deftemplate.
I dont know why !??:(
thanks very much

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