I think that Thao wrote:
>> then there is an error: unimplemented function deftemplate. I dont know
why !??:(

Hold on there, Thao!
You may be giving poor Ernest a stroke as I write this, not to mention
violating the Zen of Jess http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov/jess/zen.shtml  :-D
Hopefully he's off eating dinner now.

Jess is rightly complaining because you *cannot* define a deftemplate inside
a rule like this.  Defrule and deftemplate are two separate "constructs",
not true functions as Ernest points out in JIA and in the Jess
documentation -- and the RHS of rules are supposed to be function calls.
Also, the deftemplate for a fact should come before the rules that use it.

Why don't you tell us what you're trying to do so that we can suggest


Jason Morris
Morris Technical Solutions
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