Ok, that works. Thanks. It didn't make sense to me that I couldn't do this. I 
remember reading in the book "Jess in Action" (page 55) where it said eval and 
build were synonyms and (build ...) was used for constructs and eval for 
functions out of convention/tradition/historical reasons and not because they 
did things differently. It is an old book even though I bought it recently. 
Maybe things have changed since it was written.

In addition or maybe in place of data structures like maps, lists, and sets I'd 
like to load a jdom Document object into the rule engine and have the rules do 
their thing and read and write to it. That's why I want to be able to create 
assertions from a data structure and not a bean. 

It looks like the add, addAll, and getObjects methods just load and retrieve 
java objects(beans) that are used for "shadow facts". Is this true? So I'll be 
just using store and fetch because this seems to be the only way to get non 
shadow fact objects in and out of the rule base. The rules won't be doing 
anything else but reading and writing from and to the stored Document data 
structure and updating the fact base. No querying or updating databases, 
reading or writing files, reading and writing from sockets, sending e-mails, or 
spawning threads, i.e. no side effects. These things will be done outside the 
rule engine based on the info from the updated Document object.

On Aug 14, 2010, at 2:50 AM, Wolfgang Laun wrote:

> (eval (str-cat "(assert (" ?key " " ((fetch request-parameter-map) get ?key) 
> "))" ) )

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