
runQueryStar() needs at least 2 args - query name and a variable of
valuevector type.
I don't want to pass any variable as shown in TekMark example in  "Jess in

Iterator result = engine.runQuery("all-products", new ValueVector());

When I pass the same blank valuevector(), it doesn't work.

QueryResult result =
            engine.runQueryStar("list-courses", new ValueVector());

My query is as follows:

(defquery list-courses
    (subject (sub-name ?subname))
    (module (parent-subject ?subname) (mod-name ?modname))
    (topic (parent-module ?modname) (topic-name ?topicname))
    (concept (parent-topic ?topicname) (concept-name ?conceptname))
    (learning-object (parent-concept ?conceptname) (lo-name ?LOname))

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Friedman-Hill, Ernest

>  Don’t try to get the Token – hiding that sort of ugliness is the whole
> reason run-query* exists. Use a pattern binding instead:****
> ** **
> (defquery my-query****
>     (declare (variables ?n))****
>     ?f <- (room (number ?n)))****
> ** **
> (bind ?r (run-query* my-query 100))****
> (while (?r next)****
>     (bind ?fact (?r getObject f))****
>    ;; … now do something with your fact ****
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Rejaul Barbhuiya
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:22 AM
> *To:* jess-users
> *Subject:* Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Creating an eLearning system following
> TekMart example****
> ** **
> Thanks Ernest.****
> ** **
> In my program, I was using runQuery(arg0, arg1) and storing the result in
> a Iterator as shown below. Then I am storing the result in token and from
> token to fact.****
> ** **
>             Iterator sno = engine.runQuery("session-number",new
> ValueVector().add(sidValue));****
>             if (sno.hasNext()) {****
>             Token token = (Token);****
>             Fact fact = token.fact(1);****
> ** **
> Now, I want to use runQueryStar(). But I don't know how to read the Query
> Result.****
> ** **
> QueryResult sno = engine.runQueryStar("session-number",new
> ValueVector().add(sidValue));****
> if ( {****
> Token token = (Token) sno.*????*;  *what function should I use here?*****
> Fact fact = token.fact(1);****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Friedman-Hill, Ernest <
>> wrote:****
> You can use a query to easily find your facts; see
> and in particular,
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