I think I was suffering from coffee deprivation when I suggested the get-method - I plan to add support for passing the containing object on both normal get/set methods and on the collection methods, but it's not there yet. Sorry for pointing you in the wrong direction.

 - Dennis

Tilman Linden wrote:

Am Mo, den 05.07.2004 schrieb Dennis Sosnoski um 19:42:

Looks like you're doing some very warped things with JiBX (and I mean that in a good way, I think)!

yes, things can get warped when you have an existing XML-Schema, DOM Parser, Java-Code not matching the structure and shall add code for marshalling... but that's why i came to jibx ... :)

You should be able to do this by using a get-method added to the B class. If the get-method has the signature name(Object obj) it will be passed the containing object. You can cast this to an A and get the C reference from there.

i tried this out, but the binding compiler complains about the missing get-method of B. it seems that get-methods with the signature you described are not recognized. or did i misunderstand something?

class B { C getCofA(Object a) { return ((A)a).c; } ... }

<mapping class="A"> ... <structure field="b" name="B"> ... <structure get-method="getCofA" name="C"> ...

==> [bind] org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: get-method getCofA not found
in class B at tag "structure" (...)

anyway, the other solution you provided should do it for me. but if you give me a hint what's going wrong in the example above, i could add both solutions to the wiki.


That's obviously not as convenient as having JiBX just do it for you directly, and it's possible the binding definition could be extended to represent this. It's a pretty uncommon requirement, though.

If you find this comment useful and try it out I'd appreciate it if you could also add it to the Wiki. For what it's worth I think I've made it a little easier to use, with some basic instructions on the form to add or edit a snip.

 - Dennis

Tilman Linden wrote:

hello again,

i wonder if there is a possibility to access the element stack inside of
a binding definition, just like you can do inside a Custom Marshaller
using getStackObject(...).

assume the following scenario:

class A {
String a_name;
B b;
C c;

class B {
String b_name;

class C {
String c_name;

shall be marshalled to the following XML:

<A name="a_name">
<B name="b_name">
  <C name="c_name"/>

the following mapping should describe the problem:

<mapping name="A" class="A">
<value style="attribute" field="a_name"/>
<structure name="B" field="b">
  <value style="attribute" field="b_name"/>
  <structure name="C" field= ?HOW TO ACCESS A.c AT THIS POINT? >
    <value style="attribute" field="c_name"/>

maybe it is just bad design trying to map a flat object structure to a
nested XML structure, but i encountered this problem quite a few times. if i overlooked a simple solution for this, maybe someone can point me
at it. i would like to avoid custom marshallers because then the mapping
semantics are split across the binding and the marshaller.



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