Thomas Jones-Low wrote:

Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

Hi Thomas,

The real solution is to get Oracle to fix JDeveloper. If it won't work with noNamespaceSchemas, it's broken. End of story. I don't know of any other tools that have this problem. For my own work with XML documents using schemas I generally just use jEdit with the XML plugin, since it's fast and convenient.

JDeveloper works just fine with noNamespaceSchemas. It's just if you want to validate an XML document against the schema(s), you need to supply namespaces for both the XML document and the XSD. So JDev can figure out which schema (of the many) to use. I'm not sure how JEdit's XML plugin handles matching the xml to the DTD and/or schema.

Are you using the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute on the root element to tell Oracle the schema? This is what you normally need to do. Even in cases where you're using namespaces, there may be multiple schemas defined within a single namespace so you still need to specify which one applies to a document (with a schemaLocation attribute). The usage of the noNamespaceSchemaLocation is as follows:

<binding xmlns:xsi=""; xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="binding.xsd" ...>

or whereever the schema is located.

 - Dennis

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