All this playing with the VRML export is making me think.

First we had the POV-ray export, but that's basically a sophisticated  image, 

Then we have VRML, which I am extending with not much difficulty, thanks to 
implementation of new bits of code.

I've also prepared X3D export. This is a superset of VRML (which dates back to 
1997), and 
its claimed successor in every webpage I find. It is very similar, but apart 
from some 
additions which we shouldn't need for Jmol, it has the advantage (I am assuming 
it is) to be 
XML. I can have it ready in parallel to whatever we do with VRML, or we can 
leave it hidden 
in a drawer until someone requests it. However, it seems that 3DPDF won't take 
it, so we 
must stick to VRML.

And then we have U3D, which would be the best choice for going after 3DPDF. 
This latter is 
something we definitely want!

I'm starting to collect ideas and links for all these in the Wiki
>From what I am reading, there is even the chance that Jmol could produce the 
>PDF with 
interactive model embedded! Or at least will ease the construction of the PDF 
in another 
software, by providing the U3D file.

So, my concern is: the current design of the exporters is to match the 
generators, in order to 
produce (with both) images or snapshots, i.e. 2D depictions -- that Jmol 
updates constantly 
while you rotate, if I am getting it ok. Therefore, all coordinates are 
converted to 2D for the 

But now we have these formats that define 3D objects, so we are having to fetch 
those 2D 
coordinates and convert them back to 3D. Wouldn't it make more sense to receive 
coordinates directly?  That is, maybe we need a set of 2D renderers/exporters 
and a set of 
3D exporters, which are designed different.
Of course, I haven't got the grasp of the inner design of the java modules, so 
this is just a 
naive view.

Please, enlighten me :)

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