
I am using rotateSelected and translateSelected to superpose two protein 
molecules. My code works in recent 11.9 (currently, I'm using 11.9.17) 
versions of Jmol, but not in 12.0.RC3 nor .RC4.

In 12.0.RC3 the below script fails silently, while in 12.0.RC4 I get an 
error message: "script-FEL: unrecognized command
----line 18 command 18 of 
          >> rotateSelected << molecular {0.17656176 -0.4046893 0.745402 

..and similar for translateSelected.

Here's the script, which requires the 1l1l.pdb and 1xjj.pdb files in the 
same directory as the script:

load 1l1l.pdb
load append 1xjj.pdb
frame *
select *
wireframe off
cpk off
select :A/1
color group
select :A/2
color [x009999]
# 1l1lA - 1xjjA
r = [[ -0.43879509947, -0.88745464558, -0.14100749175 ],\ 
[0.60164401412,-0.17359627068, -0.7796722485 ], [ 0.66744538425,\ 
-0.42695267519, 0.61010496818 ]]
rq = quaternion(r)
t = { -54.380571529, 78.315030918, 80.097824409 }
rotateSelected MOLECULAR @rq
translateSelected @t


Daniel Lundin

Department of Molecular Biology & Functional Genomics
Arrhenius Laboratories for Natural Sciences
Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

tel. +46 (0)8 16 41 95, mobile: +46 (0)708 123 922, fax. +46 (0)8 16 64 88

Email: daniel.lun...@molbio.su.se

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