On 01/16/2014 08:20 PM, Robert Hanson wrote:
> http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/zip/jmol-14.1.6_2014.01.16b.zip
> --- should fix this refeshing problem.
It seems like it does in the 'Jena3D Viewer' 
if the command 'isosurface solvent' is invoked.

At least with Firefox 26 and Chromium 31 on Linux the 'Please wait...' 
message wass displayed during the calculation of the isosurface each 
time I tried.

Jaime, are you sure that it wasn't just a caching problem of javascript 
files from an earlier version?
In the 'Jena3D Viewer' the caching problem is avoided by having a unique 
directory for each Jmol/JSmol version used.
Maybe you could try the example URL above, enter the 'isosurface 
solvent' command into the script input field and report if it is working 
on your system.


Rolf Huehne

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