Yes, Max, there is a very simple way to do this. If you have a color scheme
in mind, the color() function is what you want:

*x = color(schemeName, min, max, value)*

for example:

$ x = color("rgb",0,2,1.5)
$ print x

{0.0 255.0 255.0}​

bmin = {*}.bonds.length.min
bmax = {*}.bonds.length.max

Now you loop through the bonds, get the value of their length, and use that
to deliver a color:

load $caffeine
bmin = {*}.bonds.length.min
bmax = {*}.bonds.length.max
for (var i = {*}.bonds.count; --i >= 0;) {
  var x = eval("[{"+i + "}]")
  select @x
 color bonds @{color("rgb",bmin, bmax, x.length)}
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