Oh....this is saddening; especially the dissociation aspect.
And one is already tied up with the wish not make a plea.
God bless us all. Amen.
Bamidele Ajibola Julius
Tiger House- (1999-Set Coordinator)
Cojosa Lagos.


 From: George Igboanugo <drigba...@yahoo.com>
To: "JosCommandos@yahoogroups.com" <JosCommandos@yahoogroups.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 11:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Jos Commandos] Open Letter To George Igboanugu
I thank every one for their patience in this matter. I again apologize to all 
and especially to Tony Akhidenor and Andrew if in any way they were insulted by 
my statements. Unfortunately Tony's comments were posted on my friends column 
in facebook and most of my family and friends have read this. I see the wisdom 
in all Gabriel Bigwan and Daniel Opolo is saying but had no answer when asked 
by my father what I did to emanate such open hatred from someone so much 
younger than I am and feels there is more to it than my letter. He also 
cautioned me not to respond to the threat that I will be beaten up and found 
this very distasteful.

I have brought much dishonor to a great man (at least in my eyes) and hence 
resign my position as interim head of this committee with immediate effect. I 
also wish to dissociate myself from any Cojosa activity henceforth and crave 
the indulgence of all to respect my wishes. I cherish all my command friends in 
facebook and will continue to participate in Bridgets and Glory Kudes comments 
as well as take part in Sams controversies and Godwin Okpe and Grants insights. 
I love you all and cherish you all and feel this is the most honorable thing to 

Good luck and God Bless you all

Dr George Igboanugo 

 From: "tonydenor...@yahoo.com" <tonydenor...@yahoo.com>
To: JosCommandos@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Jos Commandos] Open Letter To George Igboanugu
Dear Great Commandos,I must confess that the kind of over flow of concern and 
love shown by people that know me and most especially those that don't know me 
in person has brought me to this point.Let me say thank you to you all and a 
VERY BIG SORRY to u all.Senior Victor indeed called me and also made it 
possible for me 2 speak wit SNR GEORGE.All is well that ends well. This matter 
has been resolved.I sincerely APOLOGISE in particular to Senior George and in 
general to you ALL. Please this is an episode that l would love to put behind 
me and that is only possible with your help.COJOSA is Great and will remain 
so.Thank you for your understanding and anticipated forgiveness.God 
bless.Anthony AkhidenorClass of '88
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


From:  tonydenor...@yahoo.com 
Sender:  JosCommandos@yahoogroups.com 
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 10:56:54 +0000
To: <JosCommandos@yahoogroups.com>
ReplyTo:  JosCommandos@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [Jos Commandos] Open Letter To George Igboanugu
My dear Oga  Victor,With all sense of humility l stand corrected.I have 
submitted my self to wiser Counsel. Please kindly accept my Apology.I ascribe 
to the call for a Spiritual rebirth in this regard.Blessed are the 
PEACEMAKERS.Sir, l look forward to your call. Tony 
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


From:  Victor Okhai <victorok...@yahoo.co.uk> 
Sender:  JosCommandos@yahoogroups.com 
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 11:37:31 +0100
To: JosCommandos@yahoogroups.com<JosCommandos@yahoogroups.com>
ReplyTo:  JosCommandos@yahoogroups.com 
Cc: Command Jos<excomman...@yahoogroups.com>; command 
Subject: Re: [Jos Commandos] Open Letter To George Igboanugu
Dear Tony,
I am very distressed and unhappy to be reading things like this in an open 
forum. I also think these personal attacks are unnecessary and unjustified. Is 
this the command spirit we profess? I am ashamed! I shall be calling both of 
you privately to discuss this issue and I hope this is the last time I read 
this kind of no-holds-barred mail from you especially Tony. I say so not with 
any pretense at any authority but because it is the responsible thing to do and 
a further degeneration can only be counterproductive.
Thank you,
Victor okhai '82

Sent from my iPhone
On 26 Mar 2013, at 17:20, tony denor <tonydenor...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>Dear ‘Senior’ George,
>Your reply to my mail titled ‘Let The Truth Be Told’ was
well read by me. Your choice of words, name calling and insults came as no
surprise to me but l am sure 99% of Commandos will be shocked and sad to read 
personal attack on individuals and even Family so publicly especially
from a supposed SENIOR. 
>You have really taken us to a different level this time.
>You failed to objectively address the issues l raised in my
mail and unfortunately decided to be CHILDISH in your utterances and comments.
>Your write up have shown how intolerant you are to
constructive criticisms. It is obvious from your write up that the contents of
my mail has caused you several sleepless nights and most likely you are having
a Nervous Breakdown.
>Note that in my write up l have no problem with the ‘Nite of
The Red Necks’ my issue was how the Interim National Committee was set up, who
made the appointments, why those group of people, why the secrecy, etc. 
>In my write up and you know it l only named two persons in
order to describe a particular situation. All those persons you have mentioned
in your mail that l insulted and called names are again a failed attempt by you
to create enmity between us. These persons can read between the lines. 
>You have now made a feeble attempt to answer my questions
(putting the cart before the horse). You have equally tried in vain by stating
names of persons who you think am against and are with you, thereby once again
trying your best to polarise the COJOSA Family. I have no problem with
individuals that’s why l did not mention your name or members of the committee
of friends, as is true, not all members of your COF were aware of your motives
until very late. The Chapter Presidents did not except for maybe Mary, I
focused on the issue which you have failed to do. 
>Hence, you have descended so low to name calling and being
abusive. You ought to realize that other people share our views so rather than
personalizing it you should have addressed the issues concerned but that is
your way – DESTRUCTIVE.
>You even went too far by describing the Akhidenor Family
as ‘What A Family’. Am ,quite sure that even your father who was a
former VP of CSSJ will be very disappointed and shocked by that remark and so
will every member of this Forum.
>My question is that – has it come to this? Senior George, you
want us to start abusing our families?. What a SENIOR you are indeed, what an
‘educated person’ you are, what a ‘human being’ you are.
>You are definitely a good example of a BAD SENIOR.
>You have exposed how Immature and Uncultured you are. Since l
came out with that write up you have made frantic efforts to discredit me by
trying to recruit several persons those who have divergent views you have
labelled as Rebels. You have cajoled people to write on this issue to support
you, l have facts. Do you really think you have a monopoly of knowledge, do you
really think you can suppress the voice of the people, hence your grand design
to appoint yourself - Interim National Chairman (Chairman of yourself, for
yourself and by yourself).
>My main gross is that you are a Dictator, you want everyone
to dance to your tune, haba ‘My Oga At The Top’.
>Your so called interim committee did not include people from the
‘90s, and ‘00s. What a committee indeed, so you think that our COJOSA is for
the ‘80s only? That goes to show that you don’t possess the required skill,
experience and temperament to Captain the COJOSA ship even in an Interim
>We have very good seniors in COJOSA, big Brothers and
sisters, who realize that they are not perfect, they are humble and God
fearing, they encourage the younger ones, they equally know that even from the
mouth of babies wisdom can be found. You don’t belong in this group,‘PERFECT 
SENIOR GEORGE’ what you have earned is NOTORIOUS GEORGE. 
>The Abuja chapter members know me far better than you would,
they know that decisions are taken jointly in the house, l do carry them along.
>Even my write up regarding how the Chapter Presidents met
and decided that we should inform our various chapters and meet in June 2013 to
harmonise the various views is a pointer that l belong to a democratic setting,
it is clear you purposely read my mail upside down to make your selfish points. 
>My mail was my personal recount of what happened on that
faithful Saturday as l explained to Snr. Ter Akaa, and Godwin Okpe, (these are 
that are very dear to me professionally and otherwise) . All the individuals
you mentioned are very close to me and you will not destroy our friendship as
that is your stock in trade.
>You have admitted that you do not belong to any Chapter, l
am Abuja Chapter President not by mouth but by deeds and duly elected if you
must know.
>‘Senior George’ you don’t know me. I have very good
relationship with my seniors l don’t hate them rather l usually seek their
counsel, l enjoy their company and always love to be around them (if l hate my
seniors then my juniors would equally hate me too) but, of course l do not like
seniors like you.
>Senior Birigeni had wanted me to be in Abuja last weekend
for a meeting (possibly with you) to resolve this issue but l told him
respectfully that l was out of town and would be available during the Easter
break, he promised to get back to me as he has a busy schedule too, he is a
COJOSA Statesman and l feel bad ‘cause this issue is stressing’ him, because he 
is a man of PEACE.
>I have learnt long time ago that if there is anything that
would make me ‘lower my eyes’ when asked by someone about anything concerning
me, l should avoid such. This is something you have definitely not learned
Senior George, l won’t be intimidated by you as l stand by what l wrote earlier.
>You have quoted lies about me, when you don’t know me, you
have printed tissues of lies that people can see through. I met you for the
first time in my life that evening and we talked (it was more like a monologue)
for less than 30 minutes what an impression you made. 
>If you had spoken or listened to Senior Birigeni am sure you
would have avoided this embarrassment to yourself and your Family.
>Like l stated you may be a Senior but you lack very clear
leadership traits. Is this how you engage with your juniors?, am sure you
regret we are not in CSSJ so you can give me the beating of my life, but times 
have changed and now l can give you
the beating of your life if you are MAN enough to insult me face to face.
>You have equally shown how naive you are, so you formed FRSC
(with your money abi?) so why don’t you tell us how many Commandos you employed
and those that are paying royalties to you. Maybe you employed Andy and he is
not paying his tithe to you hence the annoyance. Tell us how you used FRSC to
build COJOSA please, so we can all clap and doff our hats to you,’Mr.
Let Me Blow My Own Trumpet’ indeed the pot calling the kettle black.
>Senior George, you have obviously never achieved anything
worth mentioning in your INGLORIOUS LIFE hence your desperate attempts to gain
relevance in COJOSA by ALL MEANS possible. What kind of ‘Cut and Nail’ doctor 
are you?
>From your mail (which you painstakingly wrote) one can
deduce thatyou are in COJOSA to destroy. No normal human being will write
such rubbish and expect to get away with it. You are indeed a SHAME and 
EMBRASSMENT to the Igboanugu
Family (especially your Father – the real reason he didn’t come for the Event
was because he knows how irresponsible you are and not the flimsy excuse you
gave us regarding his absence),your friends and the whole COJOSA. You
have indeed left a sour taste in our mouths as no one expected to open their
mail and read the rubbish you posted.
>I had promised some seniors and friends that l was not going
to make any further comments on this issue but with your post they can all see
that l have no choice but to react.
>Goodbye‘SENIOR’ GEORGE, as l don’t intend reading
from you and your paid Agents.             

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