On Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 08:08:56PM -0400, Anthony wrote:
The quality of my own changeset comments is absolutely irrelevant in this discussion; let's assume, if it gives you pleasure, that they are all just "...". That might discredit the messenger, but not change anything about the message. I think that it is important to keep the two separate, the message and the messenger.

"minor haiti geometry repair"
"fix source typo"
"fix self-intersecting boundary"
"move lake from one relation to other"
"remove forest self-intersection"

Is that you?

Being a programmer and a daily user of version control systems, I share Frederik's view that some effort should be made to write good changeset comments. They can be useful later, say, after several months or years.

Of the above comments, I think that the first one is questionable, almost as bad as the "fixes" or "adjustments" regularly written by some long-time contributors. The remaining ones are descriptive, if the changesets contain just that (e.g., replace source=lndsat with source=Landsat, fix polygons or multipolygons). Nobody is perfect, at least not all the time. :-)


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