I have never seen this problem.
I build JOSM frequently on Ubuntu 13.10 and 14.04 with same version of Ant
+ Java (IcedTea 2.4.7) with command line "ant clean test-clean
test-html" but "compile" target should be enough.

2014-05-26 21:05 GMT+02:00 Holger Mappt <holger...@gmx.net>:

> Hi,
> Ant is "Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.2 compiled on October 2 2013", JDK is
> "OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.4.4) (suse-24.13.5-x86_64)", java
> version "1.7.0_51".  OS is Linux 3.11.10, openSUSE 13.1.
> The question was more whether this is a common problem.  If I'm the only
> one who gets this error then I'll just wait until the problem is gone, i.e.
> until the affected package was updated.
> Regards,
> Holger
> On 26.05.2014 00:06, Vincent Privat wrote:
>> Can you please share more information about your environment? OS, Ant and
>> JDK version?
>> 2014-05-25 22:02 GMT+02:00 Holger Mappt <holgerosm-hi6Y0CQ0nG0@public.
>> gmane.org>:
>>  Hi,
>>> I use the command line to build JOSM from the SVN sources.  Since rev.
>>> 7133 the build fails with this error:
>>> [...]
>>> Does someone have the same problem?  Looks like jaxb does something that
>>> breaks ant, but I cannot figure out what is wrong.  What could cause the
>>> build error?
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