On May 24, 1:23 pm, "Erik Beeson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seems like he's maybe just picking on the competition, though jQuery
> isn't exactly competition. Dojo is a really "heavy" framework compared
> to jQuery and is better suited to a different type of application,

And that seemed to be his point at first.  It was the switch from Dojo
replaces flash (i.e. full featured and big), jQuery makes JS more
usable to: jQuery is a nightmare to maintain; that really struck me as

I can not say I have ever used Dojo myself, mostly because of the file
sizes involved to do even the most simple tasks.  But from what I do
know, it compares to jQuery like cars to trains, and I could not see
how making unjustified claims benefits any party unless they are
getting asked if one is an alternative to the other.

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