Mike Alsup schrieb:
You need to change this:


to this:



thanks for that hint,
i changed that and in my sample it will do the job (documentation should be updated, see: http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#dialog ) ...

however i changed my sample to hide the prompt and show the loader: "$.blockUI.defaults.pageMessage = '<h3 class="warning">Anfrage wird bearbeitet</h3><p>bitte warten ...</p>';"

but this never gets shown. instead the prompt stays til ajaxStop() is reached.

i now have: (beware the linebreaks)

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
$j = jQuery.noConflict();
$Ajaxian = "http://localhost/__kunden_a_bis_z/mEAD/tool/surveyor/admin/Ajaxian.php";;
        $.extend($.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS, {backgroundColor: '#D4E7F8' });
        $.extend($.blockUI.defaults.pageMessageCSS, {border:'none' });
$.blockUI.defaults.pageMessage = '<h3 class="warning">Anfrage wird bearbeitet</h3><p>bitte warten ...</p>';
        $j('.confirm').click (
        function ()
$prompt = '<div id="Modal"><h3>Wollen Sie diese Frage wirklich löschen?</h3><p>Alle zugehörigrn Antworten gehen somit auch verloren!</p><input type="button" id="ModalYes" value="Ja" /><input type="button" id="ModalNo" value="Nein" /></div>';
                $j.blockUI($j("#Modal"), { width: '300px' });
                        function() {
                                // hide the prompt
                                console.info ('ajax unblocking UI');
                                $j.unblockUI(); // never gets executed ?
                                $str = "test";
                                //console.info("you clicked yes");
                                        type: "POST",
                                        url: $Ajaxian,
                                        data: "&action=test",
                                        async: false,
                                        link: $str,
                                        success: function (data) {
                                                $link = $j("#" + 
this.link);//$j("div").find("#" + this.link);
                                                //console.info ($j($link));
                                                $j($link).append (data);
                                        error: function (XHRo, errType, errMsg) 
                                        beforeSend: function (XHRo) {},
                                        complete: function (XHRo) {},
                                        timeout: 30
                                return false;
                        function (){
                                //console.info("you clicked NO");
                                return false;

                return false;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
without linebreaks but you need to replace the "> "'s ...
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

$j = jQuery.noConflict();
        $Ajaxian = 
        $.extend($.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS, {backgroundColor: '#D4E7F8' });
        $.extend($.blockUI.defaults.pageMessageCSS, {border:'none' });
        $.blockUI.defaults.pageMessage = '<h3 class="warning">Anfrage wird 
bearbeitet</h3><p>bitte warten ...</p>';
        $j('.confirm').click (
        function ()
                $prompt = '<div id="Modal"><h3>Wollen Sie diese Frage wirklich löschen?</h3><p>Alle zugehörigrn Antworten gehen somit auch 
verloren!</p><input type="button" id="ModalYes" value="Ja" /><input type="button" id="ModalNo" value="Nein" 
                $j.blockUI($j("#Modal"), { width: '300px' });
                        function() {
                                // hide the prompt
                                console.info ('ajax unblocking UI');
                                $j.unblockUI(); // never gets executed ?
                                $str = "test";
                                //console.info("you clicked yes");
type: "POST", url: $Ajaxian, data: "&action=test", async: false, link: $str,
                                        success: function (data) {
                                                $link = $j("#" + 
this.link);//$j("div").find("#" + this.link);
                                                //console.info ($j($link));
                                                $j($link).append (data);
                                        error: function (XHRo, errType, errMsg) 
                                        beforeSend: function (XHRo) {},
                                        complete: function (XHRo) {},
                                        timeout: 30
                                return false;
                        function (){
                                //console.info("you clicked NO");
                                return false;

                return false;

thanks in advance


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