Time for some sleep. it's 12:45 am here in Georgia (USA).


I've got church in the morning so it's time for night-night.


Catch you tomorrow and thanks again for the help!




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Karl Swedberg
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 12:35 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: ClueTip Issue: I can only get the tip to display to
the right...


ha! you figured it out before I sent my last note. nice work!


As for positioning it above or below ... I kind of like that idea. I'll see
what I can do. I don't necessarily want that to be the default if the tip
will fit either to the right or to the left. But if it can't fit on either
side, then maybe centering it below or above the mouse position would be


Hmm. Thinking out loud here. What should happen if there isn't enough
vertical space either? I can't have it overlap the linked element, because
then you would get a repeating flicker of the tip (unless it's "sticky") as
the link would be "unhovered" by the tip contents, making the tip close,
which would then make the link "hovered" again, etc. etc. Any thoughts?




Karl Swedberg





On Jul 29, 2007, at 12:22 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

Hi, Karl. thanks for the reply.


I figured out the problem. nothing's broken.


I just had the width of the tip still set to the default 275.

Once I reset the tip width to 600 to match my image, the  entire

image began to show up as expected.


The only thing I wish now is that the tip would show on the bottom

of the link (or top) if the tip is too wide for the display area.  Then I

make best use of the screen space.  As it is now, say with a display area

of 800px, I can only show an image 400px wide, if the link is in the middle

of the page.


Is it possible now to have the tip show up above or below the link?


Thanks for the help!




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Karl Swedberg
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 11:58 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: ClueTip Issue: I can only get the tip to display to
the right...


Hi Rick,


Here is how the clueTip positioning is supposed to work:


    * switches from the right side of the link to the left side, if there is
not enough room between the link and the right edge of the browser window

    * moves up until the whole clueTip is visible, if the link is too close
to the bottom edge of the browser window.

    * moves back down until the clueTip's top is at the top edge of the
browser window, if the clueTip is taller than the window (viewable area)

    * sits to the right or left of the mouse position, if the link is a
block-level element or if the link is so wide that the clueTip can't
completely fit to the left or the right of it.


Something must be broken, though, as indicated by your example. I will look
into this and offer a patch as soon as I can. Don't hesitate to contact me
off-list if you don't hear from me about this within a few days (I'm having
a hard time managing all my projects and support requests at the moment). 


Thanks a lot for brining this to my attention. I'm really grateful for any
feedback like this that can help me make the plugin better.




Karl Swedberg





On Jul 28, 2007, at 10:07 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

What controls the direction a ClueTip shows from the link?


I put a div on a page with an image inside that has a link.


The ClueTip content is a larger image.


Its working fine, except for the fact that the ClueTip always

displays to the right of the link.  Shouldn't the orientation be automatic?


And. if the ClueTip is so large that it will display outside the window if

link is in the middle of the page, is it possible to have it show above or
below the link?


Here's a test URL.







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