
first of all, excuse me for my language, I'm french ;) so I'll try to
make it simple...

I'm using the JQuery Form Plugin and it works perfectly fine :

$(document).ready(function() {
        var options2 = {
        target:        "#alertes",
        url:      "soa.php?action=modif"

    $("#interv").submit(function() {
        return false;

I tried the validation form plugin, which is quite amazing, and it
also works great.

$(document).ready(function() {
                errorContainer: $("#alertes"),
                errorLabelContainer: $("#alertes ul"),
                errorWrapper: "li",
                rules: {
                                   int_societe: { required: true }
              messages: {
            int_societe: "Test soc"
                //,submitHandler: function(form) {$

Now, I wanna use both. That's where it started to go wrong. When I
uncomment the SubmitHandler line, the validation is still OK but the
form is submitted normally, not using the Ajaxian method.

Could someone help me on this case ? I spent my night on this stuff
and I start feeling depressed :)


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