On Aug 26, 2007, at 2:55 AM, Stephan Beal wrote:

On Aug 26, 5:23 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's seems a shame not to use what looks like a
nice tool.

i agree 100%, and i think it would help if the plugin developers
started directing people to the bug db. The bug db has a higher
barrier to entry than the list does (one has to create an account on
the web site), though, so that might keep some people away (most list-
goers have a Google account already).

Okay then. If anyone would like to report a bug or add a feature request for the clueTip plugin, you may do so here:
or here:


As I've been working on the clueTip plugin, one of the hardest things
for me has been to keep track of what people want out of it and what
they're finding wrong with it.

If memory serves me properly, most people report bugs to you via this
list or your blog.

yeah. multiple threads, multiple blog entries. and personal email. and IM. :-) Hard to keep track of. Just to be clear -- I'm not complaining, and I'm not suggesting that it's anyone's fault but my own. I'm just seeking guidance for managing this stuff and wondering if there was a flaw in the plugin repository's tools or if people weren't using them for some other reason. Sounds like you and Ganeshji think there's nothing inherently wrong with those tools, but other factors, such as force of habit, path of least resistance, etc. are the (de-)motivating factors.

I really appreciate the input, Stephan. And Ganeshji.

Okay, sorry, I'm rambling.

i think you've brought a very useful topic to the surface. A summary
of my stance is: it's a problem of education - the developers should
get in the habit of "teaching" the users to file bug reports by simply
requesting them to "please file a bug report at http://..."; That may
be overkill for trivial reports which you know you can fix in a few
minutes, but for bugs which won't/can't be fixed immediately, i feel
it's a good solution.

Excellent suggestion. I think I'll start doing that. Thanks again!


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