I think what I need to do will work... I just ran into a road block.
One of my co-workers has filled out an XML sheet for me, with REAL
japanese values i.e.

                <subAboutEduTraining>セミナー&amp; トレーニング</subAboutEduTraining>
                <subAboutSMCHistory>会社沿革 History</subAboutSMCHistory>

My Jquery worked on a test I did for a German Sheet where I just
changed it to read German Locations if the language_sheet_de.xml had
been loaded because that was the value in the <subAboutLoc> tag.

But it is NOT working and displaying it for the Japanese style sheet.
My web page still says US Locations in that menu spot. The JQuery is:

        // Load XML document based on language
        var langSheet = "language_sheet_" + country + ".xml"
                type: "GET",
                url: langSheet,
                dataType: "xml", // specify the return type as xml
                success: function(xmlDoc){
                                var item_text = $(this).text();


And at the top of the XML file is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

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