What a marvellous plugin! Great work, Stefan!

I hope you don't mind my sharing a few immediate thoughts in all my

Your plugin is in some ways similar to Leandro Vieira's Lightbox
plugin. http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/ , but yours
is more customizable.

What I love about Leandro's plugin is in particular two things

1) The way you can press either half of the image to go to next/
previous image. That means you don't have to move the mouse as much.
You also support keys, so I guess the need isn't as big in your case.
But it would be a great feature, manye users don't think of using the
keys (yet).

2) He only preloads the next image. While preloading is great, it also
generates a lot of wasted traffic, particularly on pages with loads of
images. Would you consider makeing this optional? Or is the
functionality heavily based on the images being preloaded?

Finally, would you consider makeing the plugin "standalone", not
having to include the other "common" EYE tools?

Again, thanks for a great plugin!

Best regards
Erlend Schei :)

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