have used it on area tags, no differennt than any other tag,, follow standard instructions

e...@uitenbogaard.nl wrote:
I'am looking for a solution to use dynamic tooltips when mouse comes
over a hotspot (several hotspots in an image).
I like the tooltip on the homepage of this forum (http://
- tooltip sticks to pointer
- appears directly
- fonts, colors etc. can be manipulated

Is there a proper solution?

This is what the script shows now:
<map name="Map" id="Map">
<area shape="poly" coords="75,131,77,153,103,152,99,130" href="" />
<area shape="poly" coords="110,127,114,149,140,150,136,126" href="" /
<area shape="poly" coords="147,123,152,148,178,146,172,121" href="" /

(I need separate tooltips on every area shape)



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