I have the following code that works fine in FireFox but throws an error
that prevents it from working in IE.

The area that is throwing the error is bolded below. I am assuming is
something small I am missing.

Thanks for your help in advance.

$(document).ready(function () {

    $("a.triggoverlay").click(function() {

        destination = $(this).attr("href");
        cta = $(this).attr("rel");

        $("#overlay a").attr("href", destination);


            key: '#...@xxxxxxx',
            clip: {
                scaling: 'fit',
                *onCuepoint: [[-2000], function() {
                    if (cta) {
                        var myContent = this.getPlugin("myContent");

            canvas: {
                background: '#000000',

                backgroundGradient: 'none',
            plugins: {
                myContent: { url: '/flowplayer/flowplayer.content-3.1.0.swf',
                    top: 20,

                    width: 300,
                    borderRadius: 10, display: 'none'


            closeOnClick: true,
            finish:  {
                top: 30
            onBeforeLoad: function(content) {
                this.getBackgroundImage().expose({color: '#444'});

            onLoad: function(content) {

            onClose: function(content) {



        return false;

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