
   +-From: "Jerome Lacoste" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
   |_Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 22:21:45 +0100 ______________
   |Attached is a patch that improved the reliability of jsch. Details:
   |* compile jsch with debug mode by default
   |* a known issue in jsch 0.1.36
   |* don't consider a read() that returns 0 to be a closed stream
   |* add some logging to help investigating unexpected disconnections

Thank you for your feedback.  I'll check it as soon as possible.

   |With these changes in place we are now facing at least one remaining issue:
   |INFO - Caught an exception, leaving main loop due to
   |com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Could not create
   |socket pairs: Too many open files
   |        at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.read(Session.java:858)
   |        at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.run(Session.java:1158)
   |        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

A few moths ago, I had gotten the opportunity to check the source code
of commons-vfs, and I had found that it will easily eat up resources in
the naive usages.  I have not remembered clearly, but that implementation
does not try to share the ssh session and it will establish ssh sessions(TCP
connections) for each file transfers.  In the naive usage,
instances of filesystem provider will be allocated for each file transfer,
and without closing(or destorying) them, ssh session(TCP connection) will 
not be closed.
How about getting one filesystem provider and re-use it?

Atsuhiko Yamanaka
SENDAI, MIYAGI 980-0014 Japan.
Tel +81-22-723-2150
Fax +81-22-224-8773
Skype callto://jcraft/

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