
we use jsch through commons-vfs. We've made some load tests to
investigate some issues. Our load test transfers 10 files
simultaneously (using so many threads), in an infinite loop.

Things used to break down pretty fast (less than 20 seconds) including
hangs and many transfer failures, but now the system is more reliable.
There are still some failures once in a while, more on that later.

Our issues where both in commons-vfs (e.g.
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/VFS-186) and (we think) jsch.

Attached is a patch that improved the reliability of jsch. Details:
* compile jsch with debug mode by default
* a known issue in jsch 0.1.36
* don't consider a read() that returns 0 to be a closed stream
* add some logging to help investigating unexpected disconnections

With these changes in place we are now facing at least one remaining issue:

INFO - Caught an exception, leaving main loop due to
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Could not create
socket pairs: Too many open files
        at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.read(Session.java:858)
        at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.run(Session.java:1158)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

When this happens, the different SFTP threads end up all failing with
various stack traces:

Caused by: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.start(ChannelSftp.java:235)
        at com.jcraft.jsch.Channel.connect(Channel.java:192)
        at com.jcraft.jsch.Channel.connect(Channel.java:143)
        ... 10 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.fill(ChannelSftp.java:2315)
        at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.header(ChannelSftp.java:2339)
        at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.start(ChannelSftp.java:204)


Caused by: org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException: Could not
connect to SFTP server at ".......".
        ... 8 more
Caused by: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: java.io.IOException: channel is broken
        at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.start(ChannelSftp.java:235)
        at com.jcraft.jsch.Channel.connect(Channel.java:192)
        at com.jcraft.jsch.Channel.connect(Channel.java:143)
        ... 10 more
Caused by: java.io.IOException: channel is broken
        at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.write(Session.java:1057)
        at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.sendINIT(ChannelSftp.java:1946)
        at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.start(ChannelSftp.java:200)
        ... 13 more

we hope to be able to improve the error handling as well as reduce the
risks for this "too many open files" issue to occur.

This of course could be an issue on our Unix SFTP host, or an issue in
jsch/commons-vfs/our code where some resources are not properly
released. More on that later.




PS: is it possible to replace tabs with spaces in jsch code ? That
would ease following through various libraries that use different tab
to space indentation values.

Attachment: jsch-0.1.36_pacth_1.diff
Description: Binary data

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