Gordon Hirsch wrote:
Bryan Atsatt wrote:

On the split package front, however, it seems a little fuzzy to me. If
an OSGi implementation of 277 is also going to remain OSGi Rx compliant,
it will still need to support split packages, right?

Yes, and, like it or not, split packages are common enough that it may be hard to completely ignore them wrt to interoperability.

 If so, don't we
need to surface this fact at the 277 level? Perhaps that is as simple as
acknowledging that Module.getImportedModules() may return more than one
instance that exports a given package.

This is the case I was thinking of.

Also, IIRC, OSGi allows the specification of additional attributes on Import-Package statements which can be used to help disambiguate the import in the presence of split packages. Does this facility get surfaced to the standard search mechanism? If features at this level are involved, this is where I begin to become concerned about the complexity of our task :-).

Well, the attributes really have nothing to do with split packages, although the recommendation is to use mandatory attributes on split packages to avoid importers from accidentally getting wired to a partial package.

We can go down this path, but I doubt it will be as simple as just changing getImportedModules() to return an array...

-> richard

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