Dear boarders -- I circulated that Heidegger/Juenger paper to you all before I 
had actually read it myself.
However, I have a number of problems with it -- I really had to stop reading 
when I got to page 14/15, and found  Juenger's thought compared to political 
puppets and real lightweights such as Fukuyama and -- worst still -- the Neo 
conservative 'school' as a whole. 
Turnbull, the author of the paper wrote -- 
"If one examines the totality of ( Juenger's ) work as a whole, both pre and 
post second world war -- especially the ideas encapsulated in the late novels 
Aladin's Problem and Eumeswill -- Juenger's philosophy can be seen to be much 
closer to the 'cynical' and 'politically disengaged' forms of conservatism that 
dominated the late 20Th century's intellectual and political landscape ( 
represented in the neo liberal and neo Conservative modes of conservatism by 
Fukuyama and Wolfe.)"
For a start, it's patently and utterly absurd that the author describes the Neo 
Cons and Fukuyama as 'politically disengaged,' and I don't need to explain my 
self further on that point. 
But even worse is Turnbull comparing the wisdom and insight of Juenger to the 
banal outlook of the Neo Cons, surely one the worst, most fraudulent, most 
vacuous,viciously and amorally hegemonic and morally void 'political schools' 
of the 20Th Century? 
No thanks. 
I couldn't read the paper any further than that.
Any comments from the rest of the boarders?


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