I just finished Rene Girard's *Achever Clausewitz* (Englished as Battling to
the End) which I found an apt summary of the often unconscious mimetic
dynamic in French-German relations and elsewhere and a re-reading of Ryuichi
Abe's Weaving of Mantra, which presents the "waka-mantra" theory of perhaps
the pre-eminent Buddhist philosopher of language, Kukai.  I'm also doing
some background reading in the origins of hunting related to my graduate
research which I hope will also shed light on Juenger's use of the hunt
metaphor in Eumeswil.

On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Gregory Whitfield <gregd...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Agreed Joel -- Hopefully the other video link I sent ( dated as it is ) may
> offer a little more than Turnbull's article.
> How are you, and what are you reading these days? I am reading Peter
> Ackroyd ( "*London : A Biography*" ) Eliade ( "*Sacred and Profane"* ) , *"The
> Danger of Words*" ( writings on, and of Wittgenstein ) and *Ashtavakra
> Gita*, the latter of which I think has much to offer those interested in
> Juenger's Anarch.
> Greg.
> --- On *Sat, 19/12/09, Joel Dietz <jdi...@gmail.com>* wrote:
> From: Joel Dietz <jdi...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [juenger_org] Juenger an influence on Fukuyama and the Neo
> Cons?
> To: juenger_org@yahoogroups.de
> Date: Saturday, 19 December, 2009, 10:48
> Only that you've convinced me not to read the paper. ;)
> Jd
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Gregory Whitfield <gregd...@yahoo. 
> com<http://uk.mc505.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=gregd...@yahoo.com>
> > wrote:
>>     Dear boarders -- I circulated that Heidegger/Juenger paper to you all
>> before I had actually read it myself.
>> However, I have a number of problems with it -- I really had to stop
>> reading when I got to page 14/15, and found  Juenger's thought compared to
>> political puppets and real lightweights such as Fukuyama and -- worst still
>> -- the Neo conservative 'school' as a whole.
>> Turnbull, the author of the paper wrote --
>> "If one examines the totality of ( Juenger's ) work as a whole, both pre
>> and post second world war -- especially the ideas encapsulated in the late
>> novels* Aladin's Problem *and *Eumeswill* -- Juenger's philosophy can be
>> seen to be much closer to the 'cynical' and 'politically disengaged' forms
>> of conservatism that dominated the late 20Th century's intellectual and
>> political landscape ( represented in the neo liberal and neo Conservative
>> modes of conservatism by Fukuyama and Wolfe.)"
>> For a start, it's patently and utterly absurd that the author describes
>> the Neo Cons and Fukuyama as 'politically disengaged,' and I don't need to
>> explain my self further on that point.
>> But even worse is Turnbull comparing the wisdom and insight of Juenger to
>> the banal outlook of the Neo Cons, surely one the worst, most fraudulent,
>> most vacuous,viciously and amorally hegemonic and morally void 'political
>> schools' of the 20Th Century?
>> No thanks.
>> I couldn't read the paper any further than that.
>> Any comments from the rest of the boarders?
>> Greg.

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