Dear Stefan,
"Der Segen der Erde" is a brilliant book and won the Nobel price because it is 
indeed a brilliant book. I read it myself several times. But Hamsun was a 
fascist and loved the germans and the nazis and the philosophy of this book is 
in accordance to the philosophy of the nazis, though Hamsun himself might have 
been a sensible person with deep artistic interests and not a primitive member 
of the SS. But the nazis loved the book, because it reflected their own 
philosophy.  I never said that one shouldn´t read this book and Hamsun in 
general. But it is better to say clearly which philosophy the book contains and 
who Hamsun was. It is also better to say clearly that Jünger himself was in the 
1920s and beginning 1930s a violent fascist than to evade this important 
ideological and political aspect of his early works. That Jünger was also a 
brilliant mind and that Jüngers books are worth to be read, is another question 
and another aspect of this

--- Stefan Jarl <> schrieb am Fr, 8.1.2010:

Von: Stefan Jarl <>
Betreff: Re: [juenger_org] Jünger-Hamsun?
Datum: Freitag, 8. Januar 2010, 14:00


It was quite some years since I read it, but claiming that the book expounds a 
Blut und Boden philosohpy I belive is going a bit too far. However, there is an 
mistakealbe theme of conflict between the decadent city and life in the 
countryside throughout the book. Hence that nazis could certainly find much of 
ideological use in the book, but only by inflating and vulgarizing its 
Also, I don't belive that what you term Blut und Boden necessarily amounts to 
more than the recurrent primitvism of the decades before the second world war.

But all in all, that's not terribly important. The book is indeed fantastic and 
those who are unable to read it because in it there are some prejudices of the 
times, well then that's their loss -- and a great one at that.


2010/1/8 klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@>


Dear Stefan,
I agree with you, and Hamsun won the Nobel Prize of literature for this 
book, though I have to make the remark that this book of Hamsun was also the 
favourite book of the Nazis, because Hamsun in this book develops a "Blut und 
Boden"-philosophy (Blood and Soil, the philosophy of the Nazis) and the book 
contains antisemitic remarks (the jews as a race which is not bound to their 
own soil). Hamsun was a great admirer of Nazi-Germany and collaborated with the 
Nazis during the occupation of Norway in the Second World War. After the war 
the norwegian state  condemned him to a high fine because of the damage he had 
done to the norwegian state as a follower of Hitler. This fine ruined him for 
the rest of his life. He died in 1952 and never revoked his nationalsocialist 
beliefs, even more, he defended them in his writings after 1945.

--- Stefan Jarl <stefj...@gmail. com> schrieb am Fr, 8.1.2010:

Von: Stefan Jarl <stefj...@gmail. com>
Betreff: Re: [juenger_org] Jünger-Hamsun?

An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
Datum: Freitag, 8. Januar 2010, 10:54


Speaking of Hamsun, I would just like to take the opportunity to recommend his 
masterpiece "Growth of the Soil/Segen der Erde" to all readers of this 
newsgroup. It's an absolutely captivating work, full of warmth, wit and 
intellect and with a main character whose naive strength is a fount of true 
freedom, which let's him create a world in the wilderness where there used to 
be none. To cakk this character a "Waldgänger" might be stretching it, but it's 
not totally unwarranted. 

2010/1/8 Gregory Whitfield <gregd...@yahoo. com>


Niels, please let us know what you find out about Juenger's views on Hamsun -- 
I'd be very interested to know more since I consider Hamsun to be such an 
interesting man, and an insightful writer/ thinker. I am sure many of our 
fellow boarders feel the same.

--- On Thu, 7/1/10, carmil...@web. de <carmil...@web. de> wrote:

From: carmil...@web. de <carmil...@web. de>
Subject: Re: [juenger_org] Jünger-Hamsun? 

Date: Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 13:17

I'm trying to find out a bit 'bout the connections between EJ and Hamsun - but 
it seems to be an almost blank position. Jünger mentions Hamsuns "Victoria" in 
Strahlungen and received a copy of "Segen der Erde" from Hilde Fürstenberg, the 
leader of the german Hamsun-Gesellschaft in the 1960ies, but that's quite few 

Best regards,


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht--- --
> Von: "Gregory Whitfield" <gregd...@yahoo. com>
> Gesendet: 07.01.10 14:05:27
> An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
> Betreff: [juenger_org] Jünger-Hamsun?

> Great question, and being a fan of both writers, I'd love to know too.
> --- On  *Thu, 7/1/10, nabo_a...@web. *de <nabo_a...@web. de> wrote:
> From: nabo_a...@web. de <nabo_a...@web. de>
> Subject: Re: [juenger_org] twittering 

> To:
> Date: Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 12:58
> Where did Jünger write about Hamsun: "Ein Mann wie Hamsun wird auch 
> in seinen Irrtümern wertvoller bleiben als M. in seinen Wahrheiten."? 
> Does anyone know about the relationship Jünger-Hamsun?
> Best wishes,
> Nabo
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht--- --
> > Von: "Joel Dietz" <jdi...@gmail. com>
> > Gesendet: 07.01.10 09:39:59
> > An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
> > Betreff: Re: [juenger_org] twittering
> > Sent my first #ernstjuenger tweet just now.
> > 
> > Jd
> > 
> > | jdietz | fractastical (tech)
> > 
> > 2010/1/6 Tobias Wimbauer <wimba...@web. de>
> > Lieber John,
> > 
> > das würde mit #ernstjünger nicht funktionieren, weil Hashtags keine 
> > Umlaute haben dürfen. Es würde sich aber #ernstjuenger anbieten.
> > 
> > Jünger gibts auf Twitter übrigens auch: http://twitter. com/Ernst_
> > Juenger
> > 
> > Herzl. Grüsse
> > Tobias
> > https://twitter. com/wimbauer
> > 
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht--- --
> > Von: "John King" <jejk...@yahoo. de>
> > Gesendet: 06.01.10 18:39:25
> > An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
> > Betreff: [juenger_org] twittering
> > 
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > I notice that a few of us use Twitter for assorted things.
> > 
> > I was thinking it might be a good idea to use #ernstjünger to tag
> > tweets relating to Ernst Jünger...
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > jk
> > 
> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Sie sind Spam leid? Yahoo! Mail verfügt über einen herausragenden
> > Schutz gegen Massenmails.
> > http://mail.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Tobias Wimbauer | Wimbauer Buchversand
> > Waldhof Tiefendorf
> > Tiefendorfer Str. 66
> > 58093 Hagen-Berchum
> > Tel  

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