yeah, the scripting language that *can do much* more than the google project
you were talking about, btw.
btw, the scripting language can call all the microsoft installer
functionality, can copy, zip, replace dll, replace the kernel dan file
subsystem, etc.
tell me what kind of things that the google project can beat microsoft
scripting installer on their own game (installation of microsoft application
on windows platform). the vbscript can install jdk, etc. there have been a
lot of worms implemented on this vbscript, it's not a browser vbscript.

On 26 March 2010 23:04, kang_jaim <> wrote:

> --- In <>,
> Daniel Baktiar <dbakt...@...> wrote:
> > hm, sepertinya ini gamengerti yang dimaksud adelwin. vbscript di sini
> bukan aplikasi vb. vbscript di sini adalah command line script, sekelas
> dengan bourne shell, korn shell, c shell, bash etc. jadi sangat powerful,
> dan ga ada hubungan dengan vb6 atau
> I know all those difference well dude. however vbscript is just a scripting
> language, it **does have** limitation. Terkait dengan topik update tool yang
> diutarakan sebelumnya, ada beberapa aspek teknologi dalam client update
> management yang tidak bisa diresolve hanya dengan memanfaatkan scripting
> language, semata-mata karena limited by design. scripting language is
> powerfull as glue, but not core.
> You should read previous discussion on another thread on how i've tried to
> explain in detailed to him on this technology area to avoid missleading, but
> then he did it again.
> > please also do upgrade your knowledge before commenting.
> i did it long time ago, i never talk on something that i don't have enough
> knowledge on it.
> Salam,
> -Jaimy.

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