On 23 June 2017 at 11:47, Menno Smits <menno.sm...@canonical.com> wrote:

> We've had some discussion this week about whether Juju could use MongoDB
> from snap instead of a deb. This would make it easier for Juju to stay up
> to date with the latest MongoDB releases, avoiding the involved process
> getting each update into Ubuntu's update repository, as well as giving us
> all the other advantages of snaps.

Given that juju-mongodb 3.2.15 has been sitting in the xenial review queue
for three weeks and now 3.2.16 has come out...

It is clear that the SRU process is not really a good fit for getting new
versions of mongodb to juju controllers in the wild. What else could work?
A PPA perhaps, but that has some of the same offline story problems as
snaps, you'd need to include the PPA in whichever archive mirror the
controller nodes are configured to use. You could use a stream-based
approach similar to how jujud is installed, I guess? Probably best to ship
a deb or a snap in the stream though, you don't want to be re-implementing
the upgrade support and process management stuff yourself if you don't have
too. (Shipping a deb you'd need to so some worrying about how easy it is to
build per-series debs or build a mongodb that is statically linked enough
to work across different series -- don't really know how much work either
of those would entail).

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